Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Another Interview

I got interviewed again, this time at http://www.authorsarahgrimm.blogspot.com. Love for you to see it!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I Got Interviewed

Please check out my interview with Fran Shaff. I'm talking about my July release Return Engagement. The interview can be found at http://blog.myspace.com/franshaff and at http://cavewriter.blogspot.com

Thanks for reading!
Elaine Cantrell
Hope. Dreams. Life... Love

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday Thirteen: Hot Guys 1940's

The most popular box-office stars of the entire decade were:

James Cagney

Clark Gable

Tyrone Power

Mickey Rooney

Spencer Tracy

Bing Crosby

Bob Hope

Wallace Beery

Gene Autry

Gary Cooper

Humphrey Bogart

Cary Grant

In 1946, five of the year's top ten box-office films starred Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman. Bergman is also on the top stars list.

Friday, June 18, 2010

National Flip Flop Day

Today is National Flip Flop day. Okay, you never heard of that? I wrote about the history of flip flops last year, so if you missed that post go back to June of last year, and you can read about it.

This year let me share some numbers with you. The following quote is taken from www.pecheblu.com/history.php

To give perspective on the overall size of the flip-flop market: the US population is currently 296 million.9 If the bulk of flip-flop purchases are made by those between the ages of 5 and 50, this is roughly a consumer population of 200 million. Assuming that this group on average buys one pair of flip-flops every year (some own none; others purchase multiple pairs), this suggests a base annual US market of 200 million pairs. Since the US flip-flop market is estimated at $2 billion, this provides an average retail price of some $10 per pair, which seems reasonable and takes into account everything from $5 Wal-Mart specials to designer Gucci’s at over $200.

200 million pairs? $2 billion spent on flip flops? Wow, who knew?

Oh, the picture was taken when I went flip flop shopping with Kara (my granddaughter) and her friend Amber. Kara's on the left.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thursday Thirteen: Hollywood, 1940

Here's a list of the thirteen most popular actresses of the 1940's with the most popular one being first and the least popular last. I've seen most of them in old movies, but there are some I don't know. I've never heard of Gene Tierney, and she's high of the list. How about you? Do you know these girls?

The picture is of Betty Grable. She was a pinup girl popular with the soldiers in World War II. They said she had million dollar legs.

Vivien Leigh
Hedy Lamarr
Ava Gardner
Joan Fontaine
Rita Hayworth
Gene Tierney
Lana Turner
Ingrid Bergman
Ginger Rogers
Jennifer Jones
Susan Hayward
Veronica Lake
Betty Grable

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We're skipping Thursday Thirteen today in order to introduce you to Suzanne Brandyn. Suzanne lives on the Mid-North Coast of NSW, the east coast of Australia. Born in the country, raised in cities, she now lives amidst the peace and quiet of a small seaside town. In the warmer months of the year, you will find her walking along the beach or sitting under the shade of a palm tree. It is here she dreams her stories and moulds her characters toward that Happily Ever After.
‘Heat in the Outback’ is Suzanne’s first book with Eternal Press; she is also published by The Wild Rose Press.

Suzanne, thanks for stopping by. Let's talk.

1. How much of yourself are in your books?
I don’t use real experiences, but my emotion is there. I imagine how my characters would feel, I feel it as well, and then that emotion goes on the page.

2. What key elements keep you on track as a writer?
My love, desire and determination keeps me writing. It’s in my blood.

3. Who are some of your favorite authors? Who has influenced your writing the most?
Nora Roberts. I think her novels are fantastic. She tells a story with flow, a story that touches on issues that most women can relate.

4. What is the easiest part of writing?
I don’t think there is any easy part of writing. If I was to pick one I’d have to say writing the end. Lol… it is a fantastic feeling knowing you’ve completed another novel.

5. Would you share your links with us so that we can find you on the web?
I can be found at http://www.suzannebrandyn.com or http://suzanne-brandyn.blogspot.com both sites are updated regularly. I’m also on face book under Suzanne Brandyn.

6. Please tell us about your new book and share an excerpt with us.
‘Heat in the Outback’ - ‘usually what you’re searching for is right before your eyes.’
Most of us have regret in our life, either small or large. We also search in the wrong places. My heroine Sarah Munro has carried regret for such a long time. It is about her journey, and turning back the clock to try to grab hold of what she has lost.


“You wouldn’t understand, Ethan.” He let out a roar. “She gave us a smile that had our hearts stoppin’, I can tell you that.”

Ethan understood all right, more than he was willing to admit. His lips thinned. Not too many strangers resembled Sarah’s description.

So—had the love of his former life actually returned after ten years? As far as he was concerned, it was ten years too late. She’d probably be here for the day and then she’d disappear, just as quickly as the last time.

“That a fact.” It was the only comment he delivered before turning and walking toward his ute. He knew he’d have to face her sometime to let her know about Munro Station, to make it known he was now in charge. He climbed into his rundown ute thinking of what he was about to undertake. Ten kilometers to Munro Station, ten, and then he’d set eyes on the one woman who had incarcerated his heart.

If you'd like to follow Suzanne's blog tour go to : http://goddessfishpromotions.blogspot.com/2010/04/virtual-book-tour-heat-in-outback.html for details. Be sure to comment often because Suzanne has a contest going.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday Thirteen: The 1940's

Today's Thursday Thireen is straight from the 1940's. I’ve been doing some research for a book set in the 1940’s, and I’ve found it to be a fascinating era. I’d like to share some of my research with you. Let’s begin with thirteen slang terms from the 1940’s.

Adam and Eve on a raft--restaurant slang for bacon and eggs with toast.

Bluenose - An excessively puritanical person, a prude, Creator of "the Blue Nozzle Curse."

Drugstore Cowboy - a guy that hangs around on a street corner trying to pick up girls.

Flat Tire - A dull witted, insipid, disappointing date. Same as pill, pickle, drag, rag, oilcan.

Hotsy-Totsy - Pleasing.

Keen - Attractive or appealing

Pinch - To arrest.

Soitently- Sure!

GAMS-a woman's legs

Pennies From Heaven-easy money

Creep-despicable person

Ameche-to telephone


And don't you love the picture? No one exemplifies the 1940's more than Bogey and Bacall.