Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Letters From a Warrior



Dale E. Dallman



GENRE:  Non-fiction Military History






"Letters From A Warrior, P.S. Mom, I Love You" is a captivating true story full of adventure and self-discovery. It is portrayed with a relentless wit that offers an intimate glimpse into the world of the US Marine Corps Boot Camp in 1960. This is all done through the eyes of a young man who trades his small-town roots in Minot, North Dakota for the thrilling and challenging life of a Marine.


Through a series of unapologetically honest and unintentionally humorous letters to his mother, the author shares his unvarnished experiences as a naive 18-year-old navigating the tribulations of boot camp. With the specter of his seemingly menacing drill instructors looming large, this young man's quest for a life beyond his hometown quickly becomes a rollercoaster of exhilaration, fear, and personal growth.


Witness the author's transformation from a small-town boy to a dedicated warrior as he overcomes adversity and learns invaluable lessons about courage, resilience, and the true meaning of strength. From his first day at the MCRD to his thrilling new beginning in Hawaii, this unforgettable memoir stands as a testament to the power of determination and the indomitable spirit of youth.






I sat up in bed and observed a Marine with two stripes coming toward me. He was shaking and yelling at each bunk as he went by. He did an about-face when he reached the end of the aisle and yelled that he was Corporal Johnston, corporal of the guard.


He said Staff Sergeant Smith was busy so he was taking us to chow. He said we had fifteen minutes to shit, shower, shave and dress after which he wanted us all standing on the painted stripes outside. He said anyone late would die. He said the one they’d taken out last night was already dead. 


I wanted to say, “You can't kill a man for pissing his bed,” but my mouth wouldn't open. I decided I didn’t need a shower, I was too scared to shit, and I was still too young to shave so I just dressed, used the urinal, and stood around talking to my friends. 


Todd asked me if I had seen Adam. I said no, but I figured he was gone for good.


Thomas delivered the next question with as serious a face as I’d ever seen on him. “They really can't kill him for pissing his bed, can they”? 


I said no but I thought they might put him in jail. I had read stories about military brigs, and I figured Adam was already in a striped suit, breaking rocks as we spoke.

A Word With the Author


1.Did you always want to be an author?


I think it was in my destiny!  I started writing in Grade School! My projects always got good reviews from my grade schoolteacher.  She would give a project.  The other kids would have two or three lines--I would have 30!  High school changed me!  I started running and lost interest in school!  I went from an A student to barely passing.  I was the epitome of the Elvis Pressley look!  The greasy, Vitalis, combed back, Duck Tail hair, the black leather jacket, the t-shirt, with the Camel Cigarettes rolled up in the sleeve! The Engineer boots.  No interesting anything, let alone writing.  Joining the Marines started me back.  I kept a Journal, which I incorporated into letters I sent home.  That was the extent, until I started VA treatment with a shrink.  She suggested I get writing again. SO, I opened the bottom desk drawer, took out the old letters and started this book.  It was a combination of the shrink, a death bed promise and a great publisher, Traci Wooden, that I got back into serious writing.


2.Tell us about the publication of your first book.

     Publication was never a reality.  I tried a few times to send the book idea to publishers!  Most never even responded!  I kept working on three books, knowing that the only person who would ever read them was me and the guy who didn't publish! My wife, who is a professional photographer and a singer was going to Las Vegas to record a song.  I went along to lose my $300.  While there, the people who were doing her recording started asking me questions!  I made the mistake of saying I wish I could publish a book!  Oh, oh-that started a flood of questions, with me promising to send the series of letters used to write this book.  Long story short, they loved em'!  They in turn sent them to Traci Wooden at TAWC Publishing.   With the help of my wife, Traci and GOD, I got one !!


3.Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre you write in?

     My favorite author has always been Louis L'a Mour.  I have read his works for decades!  He wasn't just an author, he was an inspiration to the American West.  I don't stick to a specific genre!  I jump from Western, to military to women's rights!  Every book I write, I am involved!  It is personal.  I travel the land I write about.  I walk in the shoes of the characters in my books.


4.What's the best part of being an author? The worst?

     The best part of being an author is being able to influence people, connect with people, relate to people!  I am not very polished.  I don't have an Ivy League education.  I learned street smarts from failure and success.   The Marines taught me to "IMPROVISE, ADAPT and OVERCOME!  I write from experience!  The book about the car business that is coming out since I sold cars, the book about the WHITE BUFFALO that is in process is written on ground I stood on!  The Marine Corps book is me!  

     The worst part-well, the first chapters of the BUFFALO book were written on a trip into the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming.  I was in a cabin that was 12 miles in by horseback.  It was so quiet that at night, a fly sounded like a bomber!  The Packrat that lived there would scamper through my stuff and steal every pen or coin I dropped! The pages were with pen and paper!  It is just recently that I advanced to a computer! You would laugh (as my wife does) to watch me type with one finger! (her sister was sitting out in the living room, asking my wife "what that clicking noise was as I beat out a chapter!) That is the worst part!  I wish I was not electronically challenged!  I have a 50 word a minute brain, but a 5-word finger!


5.What are you working on now?

     Well, I'm presently working on three books!! I didn't plan it that way!  I will be putting together a part in one book and think, "you know, I can use that thought in this other one” The WHITE BUFFALO is probably the next one to go to TAWC Publishing!  If Traci sees fit!  I will continue the work of this military book that is just published and plead with Traci to publish another for this poor ol' country boy!

     i really get involved in my books!  I try to feel what the character is feeling!  I dedicated the book- Letters From A Warrior P.S. Mom, I love you-to every mom who received a flag back, instead of her son or daughter!    Writing is a high hanging fruit!  I encourage every reader who thinks they have a story in them to reach out and grab that high hanging fruit.  It tastes so good when you get it!




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Dale E. Dallman, Senior was born on a hot dry day in Britton, South Dakota, just off the Sisseton Indian Reservation, east of Lake Tewaukon, because that was the closest hospital. His relatives all worked for the railroad and/or farmed near Fort Ransom, Cayuga, and Rutland, North Dakota. When his father got the chance to quit farming and transfer to the railroad they moved to Minot, North Dakota where Dale attended grade school at Sunnyside and graduated high school at Minot High.


After Dale and a few of his friends got themselves into trouble towards the end of their senior year, a nice judge “suggested” that he and several of his acquaintances join the United States Marine Corps. The formation of the “NODAK PLATOON” made the timeline fit. The Marines took him to San Diego, California, Hawaii, Asia, and back to San Francisco, California. He grew up fast in the Marines. One of his buddies stuck with him after they were discharged and the two followed each other off and on through life.


His first real job after the service was in Billings, Montana with Brown & Williamson Tobacco Co. as a road salesman. This led to other road salesman positions with the American Greetings Company and the Bristol Myers Drug Company. He ventured into real estate, casinos, auto sales, RV sales, which took him to Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota. He became a deputy sheriff in California for a while, then traveled on to Washington, Arizona, Virginia, Germany, and Colorado, to name a few.


Today, Mr. Dallman lives in the South with his wife Cassandra Dallman, a professional photographer and singer out of Atlanta, Georgia.  He enjoys and continues to take great pride in his children and their offspring.  


This book is neither his first nor last written work so please check back to see upcoming books from Dale E. Dallman.


He can be found at







Dale E. Dallman will award a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Beyond the Book: Time Lost


n a serene night in 1953, Sally Mason, a dedicated wife and mother of two, drives a twisting road on her way home from night school. Suddenly, a mysterious bluish-white light descends over the road.

Terrified, Sally slams on the brakes. After a flash of bright light nearly blinds her, she passes out, awakening to the persistent knock of a police officer on her car window. When she sees the officer and remembers her frightening experience, she screams and faints, and is rushed to the hospital.

What Sally does not know, and what the police eventually and reluctantly conclude, is that Sally and her car have been hurled ahead in time from 1953 to 2023.

Driven by the urgency to reunite with her children, Sally is forced to confront the reason for her time leap journey, and to grapple with a life-and-death decision.

My Review

I like time travel stories.So does our resident hound. In fact he wrote several time travel novels. I haven’t written any time travel, but I sure do like them. In many time travel stories the hero or the heroine wants to go home, They figure out a way, and nine times out of ten the two lovers met again to spend their life together. This book is a little different because the minute she gets there she works on getting home where she has two children and a husband. 

Have you ever thought what you’d really do if you were hurled to the future or past? Who can help you? What would you think if after a little time you do go home? What do you do when you go back and find your husband married and your children are grown up? There would be even more questions. I don’t think anything would make things easier.

As it happens our heroine is a strong character. It’s a talent. I enjoyed Sally and the future she made for herself. 

What about you? Do you like time travel stories? If so, who is your favorite author?

Monday, July 29, 2024

Pirate's Promise


                                                       PIRATE'S PROMISE

Bobbi Smith




GENRE:  Historical Romance






Tall and strikingly handsome, Adam Trent could tempt any woman, especially in his secret disguise as the swashbuckling Captain Spectre. But when this daring buccaneer wagers a seductive campaign against a beauty whose passion matches his own, he’s not prepared for what awaits him…




Throwing a young woman out of her home is hardly decent behavior—even for a pirate. But when Adam Trent wins the Ducharme plantation in a card game, he knows it’s the perfect base for a covert scheme of revenge in which he sails the bayous as Captain Spectre. Adam agrees to let Lianne Ducharme stay until she comes of age—a decision he soon regrets. For Lianne fascinates him, and Adam cannot afford the distraction…




Too bad that the most virile man Lianne Ducharme has ever met is also the most infuriating. With no choice but to stay at Belle Arbor as his ‘guest’, Lianne gradually yields to her own desires. But there is far more to Adam than Lianne knows. And succumbing to a pirate’s promise of bliss could be the surest path to heartbreak…







Lianne was working in her flower garden when she heard a carriage coming up the drive. She hurried to the house to find two strangers going up the steps of her home. The man was tall, handsome and leanly muscled. Lianne knew she had never met him before, because if she had, she would have remembered him. There was a beautiful, well-dressed woman at his side.


The contrast between their appearance and her own current state of dress left her feeling even more painfully aware of her own woeful condition.


“Pardon me, but may I help you?” she asked as she emerged from the shadows.


The feminine voice that called out to Adam was cultured and refined, but the woman he found it belonged to left him staring in surprise. He turned, expecting to see a lady approaching, and instead found a dirty, disheveled young woman standing at the bottom of the stairs.


“Yes, you can help us. I’m Adam Trent, and I’d appreciate it if you could tell whoever is in charge here that the new owner has arrived.”


His statement left Lianne in shock. What??? A new owner??? What was this idiot talking about? Belle Arbor wasn’t for sale. It had been in her family for generations, and it was going to stay that way. Surely he was mistaken. She bolted up the steps after them.


“Wait a minute!” she yelled as they were about to go inside. “There must be some mistake.”


“This is Belle Arbor, isn’t it?”


“Yes, it is, but…”


“Then tell the person in charge that I’m here.”




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


After working as a department manager for Famous-Barr, and briefly as a clerk at a bookstore, Bobbi Smith gave up on career security and began writing. She sold her first book to Zebra in

1982. Since then, Bobbi has written over 40 books and several short stories. To date, there are more than five million of her novels in print. She has been awarded the prestigious Romantic

Times Storyteller of the Year Award and two Career Achievement Awards. Her books have appeared on numerous bestseller lists. When she's not working on her novels, she is frequently a guest speaker for writer's groups. Bobbi is mother of two sons and resides in St. Charles, Missouri with her husband and three dogs.





Read free on Kindle Unlimited. 







Bobbi Smith will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner.




a Rafflecopter giveaway

Whichever Way The Road Leads



J.A. Boulet



GENRE:  Historical Romance






Meet Jesse Eastman, a young man from a powerful and wealthy American family. When he joins a group of rough fur traders on a journey to open up the American Northwestern Frontier, Jesse thinks his days are numbered.


The looming War of 1812 and a rugged farm woman from Upper Canada may prove him right.


Zee Collard and her father, George, are half-American, and half-Canadian. They will stop at nothing to protect their livelihoods in Upper Canada. The Collard's family history goes back to the Revolutionary War and their past is not something many Americans are keen on.


Whichever Way The Road Leads will pull you into the lives of two American families on both sides of the border who struggle as war breaks out in 1812. This engaging and graphic first book of The Eastman Saga will take you through raging mountainous rivers and early Northwestern Frontier landscapes to the bloody Niagara battlefields of 1812.


Be careful which road you take, you never know where it'll lead.


Jesse Eastman cradled his head in his calloused hands and wondered when he had lost his mind. He thought back to several incidents and still could not accurately pinpoint what had prompted him to make the ridiculous decision to risk his life with the Overland Astorian explorers. However, one event was obvious. The argument with his father two years ago had changed his life, for better or for worse. Jesse had never fully recovered from the sting of being thrown out of the Eastman family.


He looked up as his friend threw another log on the fire. Samuel was a tall, gangly fellow he had met last year in St. Louis when the Astorians were adding men to the team. Samuel was as close to a best friend as he’d ever met.


“Still wondering how crazy you are to be here, boy?” Samuel chuckled as the Mad River  sloshed menacingly behind their backs. Samuel spit and kicked a stray log with his dirty boot into the camp fire. His long hair was firmly slicked back from his forehead, and the stray ends wisped onto his shoulders with every movement.


“Yes,” replied Jesse. “I’m wondering when I’m going to die, too.” Jesse wiped his grimy hands on his pants. The Mad River was so loud it almost drowned out the conversation at times. Jesse shouted towards the river. “How the hell are we going to ride those rapids tomorrow?”


Samuel grimaced and spat again. “With difficulty,” he responded manically.


Jesse laid down on his cot and gazed up at the night skies, feeling a shiver run through his spine.


It would be September 30, 1811 tomorrow, and Jesse imagined this was the date that would appear on his young gravestone. That is, if anyone ever found his body

A Word With the Author

1. Did you always want to be an author?

Yes, I always knew that my calling was to write. I started out in poetry, then progressed to short stories then full-length fiction novels.

2. Tell us about the publication of your first book.

My first book, The Strong Amongst Us, was published in April 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Coincidentally, it has a smallpox epidemic in the storyline. I wrote it in 2019 before any mention of Covid. It was eerily relatable, even though it was based in 1875. 

3. Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre you write in? Ken Follett is probably the closest to my top pick in historical fiction. JA Johnstone is quickly overtaking his status, though!

4. What is the best part of being an author? I find the best part of being an author is that I am doing what I truly and absolutely love! 

The worst? Editing! It is a necessary part of any good book and I know this very well. I am grateful and happy with the final polished version of the book once all the editing is done, but when you are in the thick of it, well, it can be daunting.

5. What are you working on now? I will start on Bk 2 of The Eastman Saga (American history 1835) when the tour wraps up in August 2024 for Whichever Way The Road Leads. I like to devote all my time and attention to completing the tours, marketing, and signings before embarking on another book. This way I can let my passions fly, straight into readers’ hearts.





AUTHOR Bio and Links:


J. A. Boulet is the passionate author of six historical fiction novels. Raised in a Hungarian refugee family, J. A. was born and grew up in Canada with a strong moral foundation, which she has stood behind all her life. Ms. Boulet began writing poetry at a very young age and progressed to short stories and novels easily. She quickly became a history geek and became fascinated with ancestry and the rough path of immigration. Her university studies ranged from photojournalism to accounting. After decades of working in accounting, J. A. published her first book in 2020 and has since published one to two books annually. 


She lives in the Niagara region of Canada with her two sons, a crested gecko, a large Doberdor dog, and a small orchard of fruit trees.


Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Reddit.



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J.A. Boulet will award a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Secret Cottage


Kate Ellington




GENRE:  Historical Romance






Isabel Tate yearns for the simple pleasures she took for granted before scandal rocked her family two years ago. On May Day, she's determined to forget her troubles and enjoy herself at the Claremont family's annual festival.


Meanwhile, Robert Claremont steels himself to begin courting the haughty heiress next door, but his bashfulness is only one obstacle to winning her hand. Despite a deep sense of family obligation, he dreams of choosing his own bride.


Captivated by each other from the moment they meet, Robert and Isabel are kept apart by a misunderstanding until a chance encounter leads to friendship and more.


With opposition on all sides, they must overcome inconceivable odds to claim happiness.







Isabel turned her horse into the woods, directing him to a gurgling stream under a canopy of trees. The forest was quiet but for the splashing of the water, bird songs and the rustle of branches. They hadn’t been there long when Isabel heard a new sound. Hoofbeats and muffled voices. She urged her horse closer to the road, and easily heard the riders' conversation. 


“What makes you think she came this way?” a man asked.


A deeper voice answered, “Merely a guess. It seemed as good a place as any to look, but I'm thwarted again.” 


“Let's turn back, we can look for her tomorrow.” 


“I'm sitting for the portrait tomorrow.” 


Isabel's pulse quickened as she recognized the deeper voice. Robert Claremont. So he’d been looking for her. Why hadn't he come to the house? She started back toward the stream, but suddenly reason left her and she guided her horse through the trees, emerging just as Robert and his companion rounded the bend going in the opposite direction. They hadn't seen her. 


Isabel paused for a moment, thinking what to do. Go back home and hope he came to the house soon? Or seek him out for herself? Her reckless side won. Spurring her horse to a gallop, she chased after them. Robert turned in his saddle and Isabel was delighted with the look of shock on his face as she sped past him and who she could now see was Mr. Kensington.




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Kate grew up in a woodsy New England town where summer days at the lake seemed to last forever. She read her first historical romance at age eleven when a teacher challenged her to find a book in the library written by an author she’d never heard of. Thus began a life-long love of love stories.


After graduating from college with an art degree she settled in the Pacific Northwest, where she currently resides with her family.


Kate wrote her first romance when she was sixteen, then set her pen down for years until another story floated into her head out of the clear blue sky. She jotted it down, just for fun, but soon it took on a life of its own.







Kate Ellington will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Beyond th Book: Let's Explore

  “When you have out-of-state or foreign visitors come to visit, what local attractions will you take them to?”

I wish I had felt better this week. If I could I’d have a taken a lot of pictures for you. South Carolina is a beautiful state, and I think you’d fall in love with it. 

I live in up state South Carolina. I’m not far from the foothills of the Appalachian mountains. Lots of people have been to SC, but most of them think of the ocean. South Carolina has marvelous beaches and entertainments with Charleston not far away. You have to go to Charleston if you get the chance. It’s amazing.

One of the places I love is the mountains. The air is so clear it amazes me. It’s much quieter too. Our condo up there has a balcony about thirty feet from the ground. One night we stepped out on the balcony and saw a mama bear and three babies. One year my granddaughter went with us. We let her go mining. She found a garnet which we made a necklace for her. 

If we wanted to go to some local places I’d have to show you the Hagood Mill.You could see ancient Indian hieroglyphs. We’d also tour cabins made in the 18 hundreds. We’d watch all kind of frontier life skills.

Table Rock is a place not to be missed. The CCC built this starte park during the Depression. It was part of the WPA. People around here love it. You can boat, hike, fish and swim. It’s a great place, but if you like bigger water, you can visit the nearby lakes. They are three of them: Keowee, Jocasse, an Hartwell. 

South Carolina has some very good universities. I live maybe thirty minutes from Clemson University. Go Tigers!

If you like shopping you should bring your debit card and go shopping at Hamrick’s. You won’t believe the low prices. 

I suppose I’ll wrap this up now. I’ve barely scratched the surface of places I’d like to take my guests, but if you ever tour SC I can highly recommend it. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Blue Falcon


Title: Blue Falcon

Series: An OPS Protector Romance (Owens Protective Services Book 20)

Author: Giulia Lagomarsino

Genre/Tropes: Romantic Suspense/Protector Romance

Release: July 22, 2024



Cover Design: T.E. Black Cover Design 

Cover Model: Ammon


They bet me she would turn my world upside down.

I took that bet.

There’s no way I’ll fall for the heiress who is more obsessed with her hair than her safety.

Yes, that’s the pot calling the kettle black.

I carry a comb on me at all times, and the guys love to razz me for it.

But looking good isn’t a crime.

So I’m a little obsessed with my hair.

Yes, I like good facial creams and moisturizers.

But no one ever got shot for holding a comb.

However, this woman could very well be the death of me.

Long legs, killer body, and the chemistry between us…

I can’t keep my hands off.

I’m bound to get fired.

And if it weren’t for this damn stalker sending her creepy letters, I might throw up my hands and walk away just to save my sanity.

But I have to be here.

And the longer I’m here, the more I’ve come to realize that there is no walking away.

I’m gonna lose that damn bet.

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5 Stars from Cajun Heat Book Blog ~ “The storyline is fast paced, laugh out loud funny at times, suspenseful and romantic. It also proves the craziness people, especially our gang from OPS, will go to for love.”

5 Stars from Pat on Goodreads ~ “Wow, all I can say is this was a fantastic read.”

5 Stars from Lori on Goodreads ~ “As usual, with Giulia's books I was laughing so hard just a few pages in.”

Read free at Kindle UnlimitedBlue Falcon