Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Book Review: Lancelot's Lady

Millionaire JT Lance is terminally ill, but Rhianna McLeod isn’t sure what to make of it when he summons her to Florida. Yes, she’s a nurse, but she doesn’t have a lot of experience, and they’ve never met. Imagine her surprise when she first meets Lance. He throws his arms around her and calls her Anna.

Soon Rhianna is treated as part of the family. She tells JT things about her past that no one else knows, things that have tormented and scarred her. When her birthday rolls around, JT gives her a fabulous gift-a beautiful painting called The Lady in the Mist. And the woman just happens to look like Rhianna. He also gives her a vacation to Angelina’s Island in the Bahamas.

The trip turns out to be a whole lot more than Rhianna bargained for. JT’s son’s estranged son is on the island, and while Rhianna is attracted to him, there are things in her past that make her guard her heart.

Rhianna has more than a sexy man to worry about. Someone is coming for her, someone who has nothing good in mind.

This author is a genius with lyrical description. I felt as though I saw and touched everything Rhianna did. Her characters are vivid, memorable, and likeable. The plot is fast moving which is good because there are so many secrets to uncover! They are woven throughout the plot and keep you guessing from start to finish. I thought I had it figured out, but I was wrong. If you’re a romance reader, you won’t want to miss this one.


  1. What an awesome review, Elaine. Thank you! I'm going to tweet about this now. :-)

    Debra, I hope you'll check out Lancelot's Lady. :-)


  2. Excellent review. :) I can't wait to dig into my copy.


  3. This is stop #19 for me!! This is fun!!!

    Good luck with the tour!! I am following you around!! (More like stalking!!! lol)

    I am enjoying finding all sorts of new blogs to follow!!

    All my best,


    sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com

  4. Thank you for stalking me on my tour, Sarah. lol I enjoy seeing your name come up on all the blogs.

    Good luck with all the prize draws!!!

    And happy reading. :-)


  5. JM, I can't wait for you to read Lancelot's Lady either. Since you've read most of my other novels, I am curious about your opinion of it. :-)


  6. I started to read Lancelot's Lady on line a while ago. Being a busy mom of 4 I find it hard to find time to read, but I can not wait to get a copy of this book & continue reading it. I found the beginning very intriguing.


  7. Hi Ryllk, I recognize your name, maybe from Textnovel or Authonomy...?

    Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your email addy. You're now entered into today's draws.

    I hope you'll pick up a copy of Lancelot's Lady so you can see how it all ends for Rhianna and Jonathan. :-)


  8. great review. Sorry I am late visiting here!

    Pam S
    pams00 @ aol.com

  9. Better late than never, Pam. :-) Besides, my draws run until October 10th, so you're good.

    Because you left your email address, you'll receive today's free ebook and be entered into today's draws.

    Thanks so much for following me on my virtual tour.

