Friday, June 10, 2011

Fashionista Friday

Happy Friday, Fashionistas. Let’s talk shoes today, red shoes to match our purse that we found last week. I did a lot of internet surfing this week, and I found some red shoes to die for! The problem is that with color monitors all being so different, it was hard for me to say if they were a good match or not. So, I decided to share the ones I like the most, and you can decide which ones are best.

My first offering is this wonderful Kenneth Cole peep toe pump. These shoes have a four inch heel with a one inch platform. They’re on sale for $65.00 at

If these don’t move you, how about these sling backs from J. Renee which are one of my favorites. And no, the purse and shoes don’t have to the same. These shoes are available at for only $84.95. The colors are vibrant, and the bohemian print seems sophisticated to me. The heel is only 3 ½ inches on this one.

If you don’t mind spending a little more, I have the perfect strappy sandals for you. These Christian Louboutins are $515.00 at They have a four inch heel with a one inch platform, and I totally love the strappy look. I think it does beautiful things for a girl’s legs. If you wanted shoes the same color as the bag, I think (remember I only have my monitor to go by) that these are your best bet even though I think they’re a bit dressy for the bag.

I think these Amble pumps are gorgeous too. Only $99.00 at

Of course when all is said and done, the shoes you’d pair with the bag will depend on where you’re going and what you’re wearing. If you want to be casual and comfortable, I think this is a good choice. These Soft Spots are on sale for only $44.97 at

Happy shopping, and if you’d like, email me your finds, and I’ll post them for you. Send the pictures to


  1. I have to admit to being more of a purse person than a shoe person, but these shoes sure look fun and flirty.

  2. I'm a sucker for a peep toe, but that second pair is awesome! I think the first pair would be more practical...if you're going for practical... as they'd match with more outfits as well as the purse. ; )

  3. Oooh, I love the peep toe pumps with the strappy sandals coming in a close second.

    Fun feature!

  4. The day I pay $515 for a pair of shoes is the day the world will end, I'm sure. Though I am slowwwwly beginning to wear heels and not feel like I'm about to break my neck :)

    What a neat idea, Elaine!

  5. Wow Elaine,

    Some of those shoes look great, I love red shoes.In fact anything red always looks sexy.



  6. My favorite's are the patterned pair, but I'm betting I'd probably buy the last ones because they wouldn't hurt my feet.

  7. Love these shoes. Can't wear them. I'd kill myself for one, I'm already over 6ft without heels, and third, I'd kill myself.
    Fun post Elaine.!
