Saturday, July 23, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

This excerpt comes from The Welcome Inn which is available at  In this excerpt Buck has taken Juliana out for dinner.

Buck took a sip of his coffee and decided that it pleased him when Julianna gave him a compliment. He thought, no, he knew, that she found him attractive. Those eyes of hers would go all misty and her lips would part slightly when she allowed herself to see him as a man. She walked differently too. Her hips swayed alluringly, and she would look over her shoulder through lowered eyes, hinting at all manner of delights if they could just be alone together.
She was doing it right now.

For more excerpts go to


  1. Buck took a sip of his coffee and decided that it pleased him when Julianna gave him a compliment. I think that the compliment pleased him, but the first time I read the sentence I was sure that the coffee was pleasing him. Oops, me! :) It says a lot about him that he can spot the subtle changes in her. Very nice characterization.

  2. I loved the way you allowed him to see the changes in her. Well Done

  3. "She was doing it right now." Liking that ending! Woot!

  4. Love the building tension between these two!

  5. Interesting he says 'when she saw him as a man' what other scenario are they in together that she would see him any differently. Teasing six sentences :-)

  6. Great last line. Wonderful tension.

  7. Yes, the last line is priceless

  8. Enjoyed his point of view. Wonder if they'll ever get to be alone?

  9. Nice job. The changes that he spots are great and a wonderful way of describing her.
