Saturday, August 6, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

Today's SSS comes from Return Engagement which is available from Whiskey Creek Press.
This excerpt takes place when my hero Richard and my heroine Elizabeth accidentally meet each other on the beach ten years after Richard’s father broke them up.  Richard works for the FBI now, and Elizabeth is a top actress in Hollywood.
Her heart took off in a wild gallop. He had matured since she last saw him. His shoulders had broadened, and the well-defined muscles in his chest rippled under his tee shirt. His stomach appeared flat and hard, and his legs looked shapely and well formed. The expression on his face spoke of a fiery, passionate nature. Her face flushed as it occurred to her that if she faced him across a bed today as she had done ten years ago, the outcome might be very different. He didn’t look like a man she’d want to turn down.


  1. Nice teaser, Elaine. AND I really like the cover !

  2. Love the cover, too. Sounds like a man I wouldn't turn down either! LOL. Beautifully written, Elaine. I want this book.

  3. Another great reminder. For those who haven't bought it yet, this is a book worty of your 'shelf'.

  4. Oooh, I love that last line - it summed everything perfectly!

  5. Vivid description - I wouldn't turn him down either!

  6. Vivid description - I wouldn't turn him down either!

  7. I'll chime in-I wouldn't turn him down either. :-)

  8. Definitely one going into my TBR pile! Great description of him and loved the thoughts going through her head!

  9. Ooh, great six! Can't wait to read more!

  10. Great six and, of course, I read your Sweet Saturday Sample too. I'm loving this story and the characters.

  11. Thank you all so much for stopping by. Return engagement is one of my favorites.

  12. Really? Cake decorating? I loved that part of your interview. I have to agree with the advice you received--persistence.
    I wish you much success in all your writing endeavors.
