Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why I Love Wednesday

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Elaine Cantrell, and I write romance novels. I like to focus on that first breathless thrill when eyes meet across a crowded room. I try to give my readers the feeling that love really could happen to them. Oh, I'll torture the characters before the end of the book, but rest assured, I always have a happy ending.

I've been published seven times.  My latest release is A New Dream.  I'm proud of it because the reviews are wonderful. Romance Junkies said,

A NEW DREAM is a wonderful contemporary romance with heartwarming characters and heartfelt moments. Elaine Cantrell creates a beautiful, believable relationship with old fashioned values that adds sweetness to the story. All of her characters were likable with emotions and reactions that one can relate to. My favorite though had to be the hero Matt, who had to face a very difficult reality. His growth and the way Ms. Cantrell portrayed his struggles with coming to terms with the changes in his life was nicely done. This is one of the best inspirational romances I’ve read in a while.

It took ebooks a while to catch on, but they're widely read and accepted now.  If you haven't tried an book, here are five reasons why you should:

1. They cost less. You can buy two instead of one.

2. They don't take up space in your house. You don't have to dust them either.

3. You can impress your friends with you technical jargon and computer literacy.

4. You can discover a world of new and exciting authors.

5. On an ebook reader, a device about the size of a paperback, you can carry your library with you and read from it at any time.

Oh, go on and give it a try. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.  I have a Nook, and I love it.


  1. I must add your novel to my list of books to read.

  2. Thank you so much. I would love for you to read it.

  3. I'm super excited to read your novel. It has been scheduled Woohoo! I wouldn't have time to read if I didn't read most of my books on my reader.
