Friday, September 16, 2011

Fashionista Friday: Let Those Straps Show

I don’t like wearing strapless bras because I always think they’re going to fall off of me.  That never has happened, maybe because I stopped wearing them.  Still, lots of dresses and tops just call for a strapless bra.  Luckily, the problem is now solved.  There are lots of companies that make interchangeable bra straps.  You can put them on any strapless or convertible bra you’d like to, and they can transform your outfit from ho hum to wow.

One such company is Strappy’s.  I landed on their website and had fun looking around.  Here are some of my favorite straps. 



If you’d like to check them out, their website is  However, you can buy them anywhere from Wal Mart to nice department stores.  Price: $20-$40.  I saw them cheaper at Kmart.

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