Sunday, October 9, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

In this excerpt from Return Engagement, my hero ponders his attraction to my heroine Elizabeth.  Return Engagement is available at

What is it about her that gets to me so bad? Yeah, she’s beautiful, but so are lots of other women. What does she have that they didn’t have? She’s the only woman who ever made my knees go weak. Sure, I’ve felt a sexual attraction to other women, I’m a man after all, but all she has to do is look at me, and I get lost in her eyes.

His hand tightened around hers.


  1. Lovely six...great internals and insight into his character.

  2. Love his introspection. Most men don't stop to think things out--they just accept and move on. Sound like a great hero.

  3. You offer a great insight into his character with this six. :-)

  4. If women could see into men's minds and if all men thought like this! Great six - loved reading the snippet.

  5. Great insight into his thoughts about his reactions to her. Love your six, love him, lol.

  6. Great internal dialogue! Really feel him. Great six!

  7. Beautiful six. Love how we see how he reacts to her and her alone

  8. Thanks to everyone for stopping by. Cherie, didn't you play today? I tried to visit everyone, but I didn't find your entry.

  9. I love a guy that can think with his head, too. Nice six!
