Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fashionista Friday: Yellow's Hot

Yellow is one of the hot colors this fall, and I love it.  It makes sunshine even on gloomy days and makes me feel good to look at it, but, I don’t look super great in yellow.  Still, if I want to wear a touch of yellow I can.  Why not use it as an accent color?  Take this black and white outfit for example.  It’s available at

Let’s add some yellow pumps.  Like them?  You can get them at for 122.30

Want a purse to go with it?  Good luck.  I found a couple that match on my computer screen, but in real life I think you’d have to see them together.  Anyway, these are the two that I liked best.  The first one isn’t cheap.  Buy it at for 731.99.

 As a second option, you could wear black boots with the outfit and carry the Nardelli purse.  You’d still get a punch of that pretty yellow.

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