Friday, February 24, 2012

Fashionista Friday

For the next couple of weeks I’ll be showing some pretty spring dresses for you to look at.  Easter isn’t far away, and some of these dresses would be perfect.  Let’s start with this little lovely.  It’s found at Go to the site and look at the fabric close up.  Wonderful!  I couldn’t find the price, but it’s 70% off!

Now for a pair of shoes.  Do you like these?  They're pale gray and can be found at at for $110.49.

Now, we need a purse.  I like this one.  Get it at  for $795. I think it's the color of the flowers in the dress, but with monitors being as they are, I can't guarantee it.

I love earrings, so how about we add these 1928's to the mix. You can buy them at for 11 British pounds which I think is around $22.

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