Thursday, February 9, 2012

I Appreciate Them

I’ve had a pretty good week.  On Monday I had a speaking engagement and a book signing at The Greenville Women’s Club.  This organization has been around since 1947.  They meet in the Beattie house, the second oldest house in Greenville.  The house is nicely landscaped with dogwood trees, azaleas, and other Southern flowers.  The club served some lovely refreshments before my talk.

I told the ladies how I became an author, and then I read them the prologue and part of chapter one from A New Dream.  I think they enjoyed it.  When I got to the part about the accident that destroyed my hero’s career, one woman audibly gasped. 

After the reading, I signed some books for them. 

Days like this are sweet for authors.  It’s nice to have your work appreciated and praised.  If you have a favorite author, send them an email and tell them so.  Trust me; they’ll appreciate it.  

1 comment:

  1. It does seem like it was an excellent week. I had the good fortune for the local Barnes and Noble to set up a book signing for mid March.
