Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's Release Day!

Yippee!  My first inspirational novel The Sentence released today from Astraea Press.  I can't tell you how thrilled I am.  I toyed with writing an inspirational for years before I finally committed to it.  As usual I fell in love with my characters and hated to see their story end.  Clint and Rachel both found abundant, joyful love and in the process became better people. 

The Sentence is set in the small town South, so if you've ever wondered what that would be like, you'll enjoy The Sentence.  I tried to make it as Southern as possible from the perspective of Rachel Amos and her family and Clint and his friend Bud. 

I plan to do a release party here at my blog on April 3.  I'm also scheduled to do a release party on April 12 at the Romance Studio.  I'll be giving away some prizes, so come and help me celebrate my new book.

I'm a shy person, so it usually feels strange to ask someone to buy my book, but I feel differently this time.  All proceeds from the sale of The Sentence will be donated to the East Pickens Baptist Church miracle building.  The miracle building is a family life center with a focus on the young people of the congregation.  We call it a miracle building because we're trying to build it without borrowing any money. 

The Sentence is available at, Barnes and Noble. com or at  I'd sure appreciate your support of the book, and please tell your friends about it.  Word of mouth is the best advertising.

See on on April 3.