Friday, March 2, 2012

Sweet Saturday Sample

Welcome to my blog!  Thanks for stopping by.  Today's excerpt comes from soon to be released novel The Sentence.  First a blurb, then the excerpt.


Rachel Amos doesn’t understand her father at all.  How could he bring Clint Hayes who burned Saved By Grace Christian Church into their home for six months?  Sure, the guy didn’t mean to do it, and her dad’s a minister, but if he wanted to save Hayes’ soul, why didn’t he go to the prison to do it?  And no matter what her friend Christina says, she doesn’t watch Clint every moment they’re in the same room.
Excerpt: In this excerpt, my hero first lays eyes on my heroine.

The smiling red-haired girl didn’t appeal to him, redheads never had, but the other one…Oh! She made his mouth water. Even from this distance he saw how beautiful she was. Her dark hair hung down her back in pretty, springy, black curls, while her fair skin glowed with a delicate, pink color that gave her an air of innocence or…or something. Happiness, maybe? She wore a pair of jeans and a blue sweater—mmm. And what a great figure. From this distance he had no idea what color her eyes were, but he hoped they might be blue.

He grunted. It didn’t matter what color her eyes were. The preacher hadn’t brought him here to flirt. Anyway, a girl who hung out at a preacher’s house probably wouldn’t be interested in a guy like him. If he wanted a girl, he’d pick one who hung out at Bud’s Club. Someone like Darlene. The two of them had had some good times together.


  1. I guess he's in for a big shock when he finds out who she is. Great sample.

  2. Nice girls can look good, too! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love your description of his first impression of Rachel. You did a great job of letting the reader know what she looks like without being intrusive. Good writing.

  4. Ladies, thanks for stopping by. I appreciate all of your feedback.

  5. OKay, he's got to end up with the black-haired girl, right? You've intrigued me Elaine. Love your writing.

  6. Are these Clint's thoughts? If so, he's in for a surprise!

  7. Jean and Dianne, thanks for stopping by.

  8. Oh, I love a good bad boy! ;c) I also love this glimpse of her through his eyes.

    Sarah Ballance
