Saturday, April 21, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday: After the Wedding

Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday. I'd love for you to leave me a comment.  In today's excerpt Kara my heroine has just gotten home from her sister's wedding.  Too bad that her sister stole her fiance!  Do stop by next week.  This is a pivotal event in the book, and I need more than six sentences to tell it.  Okay, here we go.

Her wedding dress gleamed and sparkled through its heavy plastic covering. On impulse she unzipped the cover and caressed the heavy satin. She had so loved this dress!
She fingered the small pearls sewn into the bodice, and stuck her arm into one long, sheer, embroidered sleeve. How sad for such a beautiful dress to sit in a closet forever.
Without warning, anger flooded Kara.
The book is available for 25% off at  Use the code Her-Kind-of-Man-25-percent-discount


  1. Poor Kara! I will be back next week to read the next six! Good post, Elaine. :-)

  2. Thank you, Theresa. this is going to take Kara to places she doesn't really want to go.

  3. I feel really bad for Kara! I'll be back next week as well. Great six, Elaine!

  4. Poor Kara, can't wait to see what happens next. Great description of the dress!

  5. The complexity you are introducing here is tantalising. Well done.

  6. More pain ahead for Kara until. . .
    Good six, Elaine.

  7. Loved the way you described the dress and the emotion. I feel for her!

  8. Oh my that dress sounds beautiful. Will she destroy it? I hope not.

  9. I feel really bad for Kara. You did a really good job of showing her pain over the situation.

  10. Great emotion. The dress does sound too beautiful to sit in a closet. Enjoyed your six...back next week.
