Saturday, July 21, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday

Great news! Astraea Press is having a sale. All of my Astraea books are on sale for .99. If you ever wanted to check one out, this is the time to do it. The sale is good at all online retail outlets.My Astraea books are:

A New Dream
Never Trust a Pretty Wolf
The Sentence
The Table in the Window (short story)

Today's excerpt is from Never Trust a Pretty Wolf. In this excerpt, Liesel is apprehended by the bad guys chasing her.

Heart pounding, she practically ran from the store. As she charged past a black SUV, the door opened. Three men stepped out. "Hello, Mrs. Wolf," one called.

Carl! Liesel felt almost lightheaded as adrenalin flooded her body.


  1. I take it she knows Carl. Will you be posting more from this next week? I'm curious to see if Carl feels any nerves at seeing her.

  2. kate, she does know Carl. He is sympathetic to her.

    Maryellen, This sets the stage for a major conflict.
