Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sweet Saturday Sample: The Table in the Window

Welcome to Sweet Saturday Sample.  Did you know that Astraea Press is having a sale?  From now until the end of July most of their books are on sale for only .99.  You can afford less than a dollar to find a new favorite author.  With any luck, maybe it'll be me!  My sample today comes from my Christmas release with Astraea.  It's called The Table in the Window.  Yeah, I know, but it's on sale too.  In this excerpt, my hero and heroine slid on some black ice and landed their car in a ditch.

Marley shifted in her seat and bit her lip. “Er, how far are we from civilization?”

Rob tried not to laugh, but he did anyway. “Not too far. I’ll have to call a wrecker to pull us out.”

Marley smacked his shoulder. “Don’t laugh at me, mister.”

That made Rob laugh again, but he stopped laughing after trying in vain to find a wrecker to get them out of the ditch. “Everyone is either closed or out on other calls,” he explained.

Marley’s eyes looked as big as saucers. “Will we be okay out here until daylight?”

They would if they had gas to keep the heater going but he had been in such a big hurry to get to his grandmother’s house he hadn’t bothered to go by the gas station. He had intended to stop at a truck stop on the way back home.

Marley took the news better than he thought she would. She groped for his hand in the dark. “I don’t think it’s snowing as hard now so I guess we can walk to the nearest truck stop. They aren’t far apart on the interstate.”

“I don’t know. It’s awfully cold out there.”

In the end, they decided to walk. “Walking will warm us up,” Marley argued, “and I really don’t want to stay here all night. It’s too much like a horror movie to suit me.”

“Are you afraid I am ze vampire in disguise?” He showed her his teeth. “Or perhaps you fear ze werewolf?” This time he howled at her.

Marley laughed. “Your accent is awful, and you forgot about zombies. I’m scared of zombies.”

“What about mummies?”

“No, not so much.”

He stuck his hands out in front of him and lurched toward her. Marley screamed and gave him a push that caused him to laugh until his sides hurt. “That’s one reason why I like you, Marley. You always make me laugh.”

The Table in the Window can be found at  or at


  1. Great dialogue ... wanna read more!

  2. Thanks! This one isn't full length.. Only 16000 words.

  3. Thanks, Lindsay. Glad you came by.

  4. Vivid scene. Your dialogue shows the affection between them very well, in a natural and real way. I'd have a hard time deciding whether to go for help or stay put. At least they're together!

  5. Hi, Sandy, I think I'd go for help. I wouldn't think of zombies, but serial killers might be a different story.
