Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tori Chase Is Here!!

Welcome to my blog.  If you've come for Beyond the Book, scroll on down after you meet my author friend Tori Chase.  She and I share a publisher, Astraea Press.  She's a very interesting lady.  You can read more about her at the end of the post.  Tori is the author of The Santiago Brothers Book One: Rafael.  She's also the author of Virginia Justice Book One: Serial Games.   Let's read some blurbs and excerpts.

Let's start with Rafael.

The Santiago Brothers Book One: Rafael

The last time Detective Genie Green let a man humiliate her was her college sweetheart—never again. Yet, when former high school lothario Rafael Santiago returns to town as the consulting detective on her case, Genie’s rule of never allowing another man to best her is challenged. Can she trust him long enough to solve this case and get the glory?

Rafael can’t seem to outrun his delinquent past. When The Snakes, a criminal organization he used to belong to, begin murdering people from his hometown, he has a chance to right some of his past wrongs. Will arresting the murderers be enough to redeem him, or will a certain beautiful detective pay the ultimate price instead?

A Christian interracial romantic suspense.


“Wow. You know, you have a real talent with women.”

Rafa gave her a sideways glance but didn’t answer. She saw the corners of his mouth fight an upward pull.

“I bet they have you working all the female subject interviews.” Genie tugged hard on the door handle.

“You don’t have to be jealous Genie,” came his smooth reply.

She. Wasn’t. Jealous.

Jealousy was an emotion for the weak...for a girl who couldn’t keep her man interested in her. Sure, plenty of women fell all over Jeff. He was classically handsome, a jock, and destined to follow in his parent’s footsteps and be a doctor or a high-powered attorney. Genie’s parents were middle-class, not poor, but not rich. She was considered pretty but not the stunner that should have been on Jeff’s arm. But Jeff chose her. She had no reason to be jealous, but she was. Those women who fell all over Jeff? He fell all over them, too. Wherever smoke rose, fire always followed. Always.

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 Now, let's move on to Serial Games.

Virginia Justice Book One: Serial Games 

FBI profiler Maggie Weston has a reputation for identifying the most gruesome of killers. But her reputation is put on the line when US Marshal Brandon Worth walks into her office with news the one case that haunted her the most, John Michael Burrows, has escaped federal custody. Brandon needs her help; she understands how Burrows thinks and the best tracker on the east coast isn't about to pass up her expertise. Maggie and Brandon have to work together to catch a serial murderer and the closer they get to Burrows, the more their hearts become involved. While insecurities and bitterness threaten a budding relationship between Maggie and Brandon, an elusive killer terrorizes a small Virginia county with a game he plans on winning. 

A Christian interracial romantic suspense.


Maggie's eyes slowly traveled the width of the elevator door until they found Brandon's reflection in the mirrored panels lining the inside of the car. Broad shoulders rippled down to muscular biceps that contracted with the force he used to grip the rail behind him.

She needed to assert herself now.

"I'm going to go over some of the documentation the district attorney's office faxed us to see if I might be able to find the missing link enabling Burrows to escape custody."

Brandon's eyes narrowed. Obviously business wasn't what he wanted to hear, and how easily he could read her discomfort troubled her. He had an uncanny knack for interpreting her body language. What did that mean? Whatever it meant, she didn't have the time to analyze it now. She straightened her shoulders. "Knowing who helped him escape can perhaps shed some light on his next move."

Brandon's level stare remained.

Ok, he's not buying it. Regardless, I refuse to fall...

"Do you forgive me?"

"What?" The question about forgiveness startled her. He had apologized but she wasn't interested in discussing it. All she wanted to do was wash the smoke out of her hair and crash. It was going on midnight... or past it; she had lost track of time.

In one stride he was in front of her, one arm around her waist, the other guiding her chin up. His lips were warm and smooth as they glided over hers. He pulled back and disappointment filled Maggie at the loss of his heat. She stared into the dark thunderstorm whirling in his eyes.

"Do you forgive me?" His hoarse voice rumbled through to her inner core.

The elevator bell chimed. Startled, Maggie nearly jumped at the ring. She turned to the console. Her numbered floor illuminated.

"Saved by the bell." He released her.

Maggie couldn't resist looking at him. His eyes were veiled but the confident smirk returned. As the elevator doors opened, Maggie wondered who would be the more difficult challenge to overcome: Burrows or Brandon?

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From childhood, K. Victoria Chase enjoyed writing stories and plays and reading Christian romance. She received degrees in Criminal Justice and Diplomacy and worked as a federal law enforcement officer for several years before deciding to try her hand at writing a complete novel. Serial Games (Virginia Justice Book One) is the third completed work and the first published by Desert Breeze Publishing. Book two of the series, Marked by the Mob, will be released in November 2012. She has recently signed with Astraea Press for the first in her Santiago Brothers series, Rafael. Until she can make writing a full-time venture, K. Victoria Chase continues to work in the field of counterterrorism, identifying potential terrorists that threaten the United States and the world. She currently resides in Leesburg, VA and writes both clean and Christian interracial romance.

Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/author/show/5762404.K_Victoria_Chase
Tori, come back and visit me soon.  I love the sound of your books.


  1. Thank you for having me, Elaine! I'd love to return. :-)

  2. Any time. Just let me know when.

  3. Congratulations on the release of your books. The stories sound very interesting!
