Monday, September 17, 2012

Heroes Live Forever

Hello and welcome to Chris Karlsen's blog tour.   Chrirs is sharing a blurb and excerpt from her book Heroes Live Forever.  She's also giving away gifts.  Readers, leave a comment at every place on the tour.  Chris is giving away a copy of her thriller Golden Chariot at every stop, and at the end of the tour she'll select one person to win a $50 Amazon gift certificate.

You can find her tour stops here:

Here's a blurb for Heroes Live Forever.

Elinor Hawthorne has inherited a house haunted by the ghosts of two medieval knights, Basil Manneville and Guy Guiscard. Basil is the man of her dreams, her knight in shining armor. She falls in love with him and he with her. Basil soon realizes she needs to live a normal life, a happy life with a mortal.


A lifetime later fate intervenes. Basil, still in love with Elinor, is told her spirit lives on in a young woman and he is given another chance at life to find her.
And now for an excerpt:
He turned her around and untied the laces of her dress. His fingers lingered at each sliver of exposed skin the open laces left. The gown fell away from her shoulders and rough palms eased the sleeves down, freeing the arms. He inched the dress over hips, unwrapping her like a gift, the silk pillowing at her feet like a bronze cloud.
Chris, I loved your excerpt.  In fact, I like the sound of this book.  I think it must go to my TBR stack.  Good luck with your book.  It truly does sound wonderful.


  1. I do. One of my friends lives in a house that's haunted. She tells stories about all the strange things that happen there. I've also had students who tell the story of a little girl who haunts their house. They say their entire family has seen the child.

  2. Hi Elaine,

    I have experienced strange happenings but never actually seen the "spirit" behind them. If it's a handsome knight ghost, I wouldn't mind. If not, then I'm not so sure I care to see them:)

  3. I know I don't want to see them. I want them to stay in their place and I'll stay in mine.

  4. Hi Elaine,
    I do have to say we stayed in the Mermaid Inn in Rye, England a few years back because pirate ghosts had been seen by so many of the guests.
    Apparently, we weren't pirate worthy. But I really am not keen to see creepy ghosts at all:)
