Sunday, October 14, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday: Oh no!

Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday. Today's six come from A New Dream. They are from the scene where my hero an NFL player wrecks his car and loses everything he's worked so hard for. Stacey is his fiancee.

Matt hauled the steering wheel to correct the slide, but it was useless. The car turned around once more and skidded backwards for a short distance before it charged off the road. It jumped a steep ditch and went airborne. All Matt could see was a blur of trees and darkness as the car careened into the woods. It made a lazy turn in the air and came to rest bottom side up.  The last thing he remembered was the sound of Stacey’s screams.

Link to You Tube Video





  1. Very tense six! I'm interested to see what happens next.

  2. Perfectly described, Elaine---I want to cover my eyes!

  3. Very dramatic six...could so easily visualize this scene.

  4. Ladies, thank you all for coming. This accident is a turning point in Matt's life. After this defining moment, his life will never be the same.

  5. Jennifer, I tried to visit you, but my computer kept blocking me.
