Monday, November 26, 2012

Beyond the Book: Oh Christmas Tree


Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of Beyond the Book.  I’m Violet Emerson, Elaine’s heroine in A New Dream.  Did you put up your Christmas tree yet?  Matt and I always put ours up on the day after Thanksgiving.  This year we went all out with our decorating.  I have a Christmas village, nativity set, two trees, and various other little things here and there.  I thought I’d show you a picture of one of my trees.  The picture quality isn’t great, but the tree is super pretty in person.  It sparkles in the sunshine, and when you turn the white lights on it’s spectacular. 

Matt and I got married a couple of days before Christmas, but our wedding was challenging to say the least.  Would you like to read a short excerpt about the wedding?  This isn't in A New Dream.  Elaine wrote a short story titled It All Started With Cinders Malone's Dress to tell everyone about the ceremony.  If you leave a comment and an email address, Elaine might let you read it.

Chapter 1
“I’m home.”
Violet Emerson and her sister Jessie raced down the stairs to meet their father. From the kitchen Beth Emerson, the girls’ mother, called, “I’m coming!”

“Did you get it?” Violet demanded as she joined her father in the small foyer of the Emerson home. She clapped her hands together and literally jumped up and down, her dark curls swirling around her face.

Fred scowled at her. “Of course I did. Do I usually walk in the door carrying huge garment bags?”

Violet giggled. “Daddy, I’m getting married tomorrow. Lighten up.”

Fred’s mouth turned down into a sour grimace. “Don’t remind me.”

Beth who’d arrived in time to hear the exchange laughed with her daughters. “Now, Fred, Matt’s going to be your son-in-law. You’ve got to be nice.”

Fred’s lip poked out, but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. Everyone knew he was having a hard time giving Violet up.

“Let’s look at your dress,” Jessie cried.

Everyone trooped to the living room to look at the wedding dress. Violet’s hands almost shook in her eagerness to remove the garment bag. The bag hit the floor with a small noise that was obscured by Violet’s quick gasp. “This isn’t my dress!”

“Oh my goodness,” Beth exclaimed.

Everyone stared at the dress. Violet had picked a tailored dress with a form fitting bodice and skirt that showed off her curves to perfection. There were no sequins and lace to detract from her unusual violet-blue eyes. Matt her fiancé loved her eyes.

Violet clutched her throat. “It’s…it’s poufy!”

The dress had short sleeves and a fitted bodice studded with seed pearls on every available inch. The neckline plunged into a sharp v shape that went almost to the waist. A thin piece of net joined the two sides and kept them together. The skirt consisted of layer upon layer of fluffy white tulle that spread out like a cloud from the pearl bodice.

Fred’s eyes bulged as he stared at the plunging neckline. “That’s a disgrace,” he snapped.

And readers, that was just the beginning. 

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