Saturday, November 17, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday: Retribution

Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday.  Today's excerpt comes from an unpublished manuscript titled Blue 52.  In this excerpt, my hero and his grandfather have just viewed the bodies of his mother and father.  The history books say that his mother murdered his father who was the president of the US, but neither Hank nor his grandfather believes it.  Hank's grandfather, Senator Lovinggood speaks first.

“The trail’s pretty cold, but even after thirty years you never know what you might turn up if you shake the bushes a little.”

A cool little grin played along Hank’s lips.  “Yeah, that’s exactly what I was thinking.” 

They exchanged a look which visibly startled Senator Lovinggood.  If he hadn’t known that Richard still lay in his coffin at Sinclair’s, he would have sworn that his son rode beside him again after all these years.  Maybe it was a trick of the light, but just maybe it was a new look in Hank’s eyes, a look that promised justice for his mother and retribution for his father.



  1. This sounds like such a great story! You keep posting, I'll keep reading! I want to see if Hank's really going to get to the bottom of this.

  2. Thanks, Jenna. I haven't heard from the publisher yet if they want it or not. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  3. Great six! Hope Hank is able to learn something new.

  4. This certainly caught my attention. nice 6.

  5. Thanks Jen and Sherry. Hank stood in his father's shadow for so long, it was a pleasure to let him come into his own.

  6. I like this---especially the Senator's reaction!

  7. Very tense. Good visual, I liked it.

  8. Thanks so much, Callie and Sarah.

  9. Oh very nice. Like the premise of this story. Love mystery!
