Sunday, January 13, 2013

Six Sentence Sunday: Bull in the Barnyard

Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday.  My excerpt today comes from Her Kind of Man.  In this excerpt, my hero and heroine have just got married.  My heroine is having some doubt about her behavior with her new husband.  The book is available at and most other retail outlets.

Her breath came faster now. Maybe Ross thought she was a slut. She didn’t like that word, never had, but it sure did describe her behavior.  It made her cringe to think of the things she had begged him to do. He’d whispered words of endearment to her and treated her so gently and tenderly. Didn’t it bother him that his wife had moaned and bucked against him like he was a bull in the barnyard?


  1. Proof that a wedding ring doesn't stop the double-standard doubts . . .

    Great six!

  2. My guess is that he loved it! Loved her introspection, we can be so harsh on ourselves, especially when we feel vulnerable...

  3. Ladies, thank you so much for stopping by. I loved your comments.
