Sunday, January 27, 2013

Six Sentence Sunday: She Belongs to His Friend

Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday.  Today is the last official SSS, but I'll probably continue to post an excerpt anyway, so feel free to stop by anytime.  In this excerpt from my yet unpublished romantic comedy Fortuna, my hero agonizes over his attraction to his best friend's fiancee.

Cade flipped over in bed and jerked up the covers he had kicked off a few minutes ago. He was tired out and should be sleeping like a log, but he couldn’t fall asleep no matter how many sheep he counted. His lips burned and his chest constricted when he remembered how she felt in his arms.
He turned over yet again. Aimee Sherwood belonged to Rocky. His best friend.



  1. Wow, that last sentence is a zinger, Elaine! Great six :-)

  2. Oh my, this is a great six to 'go out' on.
    I've enjoyed reading your SSS's and will hop on over to keep looking in future too.

  3. He is really tormented! Great six!

  4. Now that's a conflict! Great way to end SSS. Can't wait to find out how this resolves. Great six!

  5. Oh dear---that's a guilt that going to linger1

  6. That's certainly a problem. Poor guy.

  7. It's bad to be attracted to the wrong woman but I bet he will work it out. So glad to have met you through SSS and I will definitely keep in touch.
