Saturday, March 9, 2013

Weekend Writing Warriors: Rats, er, Bats

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors.  Today's excerpt comes from a yet unnamed WIP and is a continuation from last week.  My hero and heroine are stranded in the Amazon rain forest. When my heroine returns from answering nature's call, she saves my hero from being bitten by a bat.

Phaedra gave him as thorough an inspection as their puny fire permitted.  “I don’t think it bit you."
“I hope not.  It might be rabid, but more than likely it was just a healthy, hungry, vampire bat.  Still, bats can give you some nasty diseases if they bite you.”
“A vampire bat!  Where the hell are we: Transylvania?”
He had the nerve to laugh at her even though he quickly brought himself under control. 
In case you wanted to know, vampire bats are only about seven inches long even with their wings unfurled. They do have scary faces and drink blood.


  1. Again, I love how you inject humour into the scene, even though they're in a dangerous situation. Looks like at least one of them is clued up about their surroundings.

  2. Elaine, this is terrific with a great description, scary situation and a good laugh!

  3. Awww! Cute :) But it's true, the last thing they need is to catch some disease in this situation.

  4. Love his reaction, quick to laugh, but then concern settles in. Great snippet.

  5. Will this be a vampire story?

    Glad they have each other's back. :)

  6. Sounds like he knows a lot more about the Amazon jungle than she does. And vampire bats have nothing to do with vampires--unless its that kind of story.

  7. I love the image of them trying to examine the bite by the firelight. Very nice!

  8. Oooh, I love the name Phaedra! And yes, despite the scary name, they aren't so intimidating in real life...just rats with wings and fangs would be. ;)

  9. Quite the dilemma and I enjoyed the bit of humour, as well. Phaedra is a wonderful name!

  10. Eww on the bat. They're really ugly. Hopefully there will be no problems because of this. It's bad enough that they're treeing through jungle. Great snippet!

  11. Love the use of the name Phaedre. I'd be freaked out in the jungle with bats--vampire or otherwise. Great way to promote togetherness! Great 8!

  12. That should have been trekking, not treeing. Sorry!

  13. Unusual setting, fascinating snippet. I liked their ease with each other. Excellent excerpt!

  14. In Amazonia, the bats are on the lower scale of their potential problems. I hope he can retain that sense of humor, 'cause I suspect he's gonna need it!

  15. This was very cute and funny. Made me laugh. But they should be careful from the bat, never know when it might bite. :-) Loved it!

  16. Great job. I loved the humor. I love stories in the jungle!

  17. This takes me back to my oldest's 3rd grade presentation on bats. Transylvania! LOL Beware Batula!

  18. Loved the humor and the fact that she saved him from a bat after doing her business. LOL Great 8! :D

  19. Call me weird, but I adore bats, of all kinds. Cute snippet!

  20. Great exchange between the characters, and is does take nerve to laugh at someone after they just saved you from being bitten by a bat! Great snippet!

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Great snippet - and I certainly wouldn't want to meet one of those bats!

  23. I love the characters' different reactions---they really showcase their differences.

  24. Ugh! I'll try this again, with my brain engaged, :-)

    “A vampire bat! Where the hell are we: Transylvania?” You did a great job of injecting humor in an otherwise tense situation. :-)

    And what a great story! :-)

  25. I'm glad he brought himself under control, we women don't like to be laughed at! Great snippet!

  26. Yeah, a fun bit. I don't think you'll find vampire bats anywhere near Transylvania.

    Thanks for sharing

  27. *shudders* I've always though the bats (not vampires) flying around here at night were cool, but I think I just changed my mind. Yick! LOL.
