Thursday, April 18, 2013

Adelle Laudan: Dani

One of my favorite authors is Adelle Laudan. If you haven't read her work, you should. Everything I've sampled so far has been super good, and she has a new book out that sounds just as good as the others. I asked Adelle to talk to us about her new book, and here's what she shared with me.

Women of Strength Series by Adelle Laudan

This series is a collection of stories about real women and the struggles they overcome. The latest release is Dani’s story—a single mom who lives in a small town and loses her job after 12yrs. She needs to find a new job, fast!
As with so many of us, we live paycheck to paycheck. Dani is no different. She is the sole supporter of a 16yr old daughter and quickly learns of the prejudice against women with tattoos as she searches for a job.
This story tells of the options she is presented with, and the choices she makes. I think every mother out there will be able to relate to Dani on some level.
Here is the blurb:
The paper mill where Dani has worked for the past twelve years is closing. A single mother of a sixteen-year old, she quickly learns her tattoos aren't helping her land a decent job. Should she stand up for her choice to have full sleeve tattoos, and settle for a job at Teasers, the local stripper bar? Maybe she should hide her beautiful artwork and try for a steady job in one of the design houses in the city?
Will she listen to Ryan and accept his help, knowing he wants to take their special friendship to another level. Is she willing to take the risk of losing him and cross that proverbial line?
Thanks Elaine for having me. I’d like to giveaway a free ecopy of Dani. Elaine has been kind enough to agree to draw one winner tomorrow from all who comment.
You can check out the other stories in my Women of Strength Series on my Website:
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  1. Dani's story sounds heart-rending. Best wishes with your new book.

  2. Thanks Sherry. It looks like you've won a copy of Dani. I will send it via email right away.
    Thanks Elaine for helping me spread the word. Your kindness won't be forgotten.
