Monday, April 1, 2013

Beyond the Book: So Darn Cute!

Welcome to Beyond the Book. My name is Elizbeth Lane, and I was Elaine's heroine in Return Engagement. My sweet husband Richard gave me an Easter gift on Sunday. What do you think of it?

I love animals. We always had a dog or cat when I was growing up. My old dog, a pretty German Shepherd mix died last summer, and up until recently I just didn't have the heart for another dog, but I just melted when Richard brought this little sweetheart home. He got the puppy from a local animal shelter. We don't believe in buying puppies when so many good dogs need homes. In fact, Richard-he's a senator-has sponsored a lot of legislation to stop animal cruelty.

April is Animal Cruelty Awareness Month. Elaine loves animals too, so I'm sure you'll be hearing more about her animal friends. If you'd like to win a copy of Return Engagement help me name the puppy. Anyone who leaves a name will be entered into the contest for a PDF copy of my book.


  1. First of all, thank you for rescuing your dog! She looks....adorable! I have two rescues and can't imagine life without them. My big boy, Duke - 110 lbs of love, mostly Lab and ??? is in training to be a per therapy dog. Ebony, our latest addition is learning to let me hold and cuddle her - it's take a while but now, she trusts me.

    How about Taffy for a name?

    Carlene Rae Datrer

  2. For a boy: Sitka

    For a girl: Lela

    So beautiful :)

    Ana Raine

  3. sons' named their dogs Cerabus and sticking with the theme how about Ares? You should see some of the looks we get when people hear them calling for their cuties. Super funny.

  4. What a great idea!

    I had a dog like this... her name was Storm. I'd love for you to use it.


  5. The puppy is adorable.

    For a girl I like Starlet or Lola.

    For a boy I like Corky.

    Val Clarizio

  6. What you have there is what I call a skerpuppy. That takes special qualifications over any ol' pup. :D Sooo...

    For a boy, Samson. :)
    For a girl, Amelie.

    That is a seriously, ridiculously, stupidly cute puppy! :D

  7. Call him or her Lucky. Very cute dog.
    christinebails at yaoo dot com

  8. name the puppy twinkles,email is

  9. Boy- Ridley
    Girl - Didley

  10. Pickles for a boy or Penny (because a new love is always shiny and new) for a girl.

  11. for a boy pup: Fritz, for a girl: Bobbie Barker (email whitelightening at Hotmail) man do I love dogs! all sizes!

  12. Evie if it is girl; Freddy is it is a boy. :D

  13. Jazzy sounds like a good name to me.

  14. Thank you for being a dog advocate and tell your husband thank you for the work he does to support animals. My pets are rescue kids, too.
    I know how difficult it is to lose a pet. You have to have time to mourn before you can put your heart out there again. I'm so glad you have another adorable baby to love.
    I don't know if your puppy is a boy or girl so I'll throw out a name for each:
    Boy: Sparrow (as in the pirate)
    Girl: Sparkle (as in beautiful)
    I wish you every happiness with your new baby...

  15. I like Emma for a girl or Emmett for a boy. It sure is a cutie! Thank you for giving the pup a forever home. Love-N-Stuff,


  16. Adorable. Looks like he or she has some Jack Russell in it. That means he'll be a bundle of energy and a speed demon. How about calling him/her Bullet.
