Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Beyond the Book: Winners!

Welcome to this edition of Beyond the Book. I am the Princess Morgane, daughter of King Maccus, wife to Prince Alan who is heir to his father King Bowdyn. Madame Cantrell has given me the honor of announcing the winners of her release party.  The grand prize winner who will receive the gift bag is CJz. CJz, your presence at the release party honors me and my husband.

I have persuaded Madame Cantrell to give away two copies of The Enchanted. Joanne and Particia, you are the lucky recipients of this splendid novel. I am sure you will enjoy it as did the royal family.

I would take a moment of your time to show you the gift I made for Prince Alan. I began this wall hanging when I first came into the kingdom, and now it is finally completed. I hope the prince will like it!

And now for the winners of the Rachel Got the Contract Blog Hop. Janice Houghland, you win a copy of A New Dream.  Debbi, you won Knight of the Dead. Jeff, you won a copy of Rachel's book! And last but not least, Liz R. you get a copy of The Enchanted. 
If you didn't leave your email for me, send it right away so I can get your book to you. Thanks so much for playing.

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