Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Have you read Lucid? If not check this out. It just happens to be written by another South Carolinian. You knew I was from South Carolina, right? Not only that, but the book is on sale for only $4.99 this month!  Here are the the sale links.



Natalie Roers



Being hailed by critics as an intelligent new voice in young adult fiction, Roers' debut novel tells the anything but ordinary, coming of age story of a small town, teen aged, misfit named Travis Hunter.

Disfigured at birth and ostracized at school, Travis dreams of acceptance and secretly yearns for the affection of a beautiful young woman named Corrine. When a mysterious doctor promises to help Travis through something called lucid dreaming, Travis suddenly finds himself ushered into a secret society called "The Lucid", a collection of social outcasts like himself, who have created their own world inside of dreams.

When Travis discovers he is able to bring Corrine into these dreams, he gets more than he ever bargained for and soon finds himself learning the secrets of love and life in a fantastic unconscious world.

An instant classic, Lucid is a timeless story of self-acceptance with a fresh paranormal twist. 


I gave her a funny look and loosened the drawstrings. A dark green stone fell out into my hand. It had little red splotches on it and was hung with three small chains from a silver crescent that looked like the moon. The metal of the crescent looked very old, as if it had been pounded by hand.
“You made me zink of it when you mentioned your dreams earlier.” Kelly said. “I zought you might appreciate it.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a talisman. According to legend, it was originally used by da Lucid as a gateway to da dream world.”
“That’s really cool,” I said, “What’s it got to do with me?”
“Talismans are very magical. Dey have da power to make extraordinary transformations. Why don’t you keep it for a while? See how it works?”
“Oh, come on,” I disagreed. “You don’t really believe that, do you?”
Doctor Kelly smiled. “I believe very much in powerful transformations.”
"Roers' debut novel heralds the arrival of an intelligent, heartfelt voice in the world of young adult fiction. The rich characters, emotional complexity, and confident prose are matched only by the landscape of dreams that Roers sets them against... a landscape brought vividly to life by the author's seemingly boundless imagination. This is a novel that respects its readers as much as its characters, and that's a beautiful rarity."
~ Mike Flanagan, Filmmaker, Absentia and Oculus

"Natalie Roers' debut novel is both riveting and relevant. More than a paranormal/fantasy/thriller, this is a complex tale that cuts to the very of heart of issues facing young adults today. Well sculptured characters and powerful imagery propel Roers' fascinating narrative."
~ Jason Tinney (Award-winning freelance journalist, musician, actor and the author of the story collection Bluebird.)

"Lucid is an interesting story and a fun read."
~ Amy Carol Reeves, author of Ripper and Renegade

"Natalie Roers' voice is amazingly confident for a first novelist. Her journalist's eye for human detail draws you in, and makes you care about the people who populate the LUCID world. The more I got to know them, both awake and asleep in the world of lucid dreaming, the more time I wanted to spend in their world."
~ Jeff Howard, writer for Film District and Focus Features.

Natalie Roers is a veteran writer, voice artist, and on-air personality. A journalist by trade, Lucid is her first work of fiction. She is busy at work on her second novel and hopes to raise money and social awareness for worthy causes with each book she writes. Natalie plans to donate a portion of every sale of this book to her favorite anti-bullying organizations. She lives with her husband Cory, and son Austin, in Columbia, South Carolina. 

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  1. Thanks so much for hosting me:) You are super sweet! Downloads have been going through the roof this morning! I love everyone for making this such an exciting debut week for me. It means the world.

    Natalie Roers

  2. I'm so happy about that. Er, want to tell me how you did it? What part of SC are you from?

  3. Okay, saw it in your bio. I'm in the upstate. About 20 miles from Greenvile.

  4. Nice excerpt

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

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