Monday, May 13, 2013

Welcome Anne Patrick






Former combat medic Kory Wagner survived four war zones. Now she’s home and out of the Army for good and someone is trying to kill her in her own backyard. Just as disturbing is the handsome sheriff who’s on the case. Sheriff Sean Harding doesn’t quite know what to think of the decorated veteran that managed to outsmart an entire search party. What bothers him more is the body of a PI, whom she hired, was found dead in a building she owns. And Kory isn’t being very cooperative with helping him find the answers as to why someone would kill her sister and want her dead. Will he be able to keep her alive along enough to discover the truth?


Sean followed the trail of blood to the back of the warehouse. She had definitely been hit -- question was how bad? Was she the one who called in the shooting? If so he didn't blame her for not sticking around, not when someone was trying to kill her. He was surprised she called the police at all.
He stepped out into the late afternoon sunlight. The last traces of blood were found halfway between the building and the edge of the woods. There wasn't any skid marks in the side parking lot indicating a hasty retreat, and there were no casings. Did the shooter have an accomplice waiting at the back door just in case, or did she manage to escape into the woods?
Deputy McKee joined Sean at the edge of the woods. "Find anything?"
"No. The blood trail ends over there. Judging from the distance between droplets she was running at a pretty good pace."
"There's only one car in the parking lot. Do you think they came together, or did she park back here?"
"They either came together or she came in soon after he did thru the front door. The trajectory of the bullets suggests she was near the front of the building when she was hit and exited through the back door."
"So she either managed to make it back to her car near the front of the building or she's on foot," the deputy said.
Sean looked toward the tree line. "If I were her and I had someone shooting at me I'd head for the woods. More places to hide than on a highway. Assemble a search team and have them start looking just in case. And notify the local hospital to be on the lookout for her. If she comes in I want her held for questioning."

AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Anne Patrick is the author of more than a dozen novels of Romance, Mayhem & Faith, including the award winning and bestselling WOUNDED HEROES SERIES, FIRE AND ASH, and TIES THAT BIND. Her books have garnered four-star reviews from Romantic Times, 'Top Pick' and 'Best Book' honors from Night Owl Reviews and Long and Short of It Reviews, and Five-Heart reviews from The Romance Studio. When she isn't working on her next novel she enjoys spending time with family and friends, and traveling to foreign countries to experience new cultures and adventures. Born and raised in Oklahoma, she now makes her home in Kansas.
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  1. I read the blurb & I think - I can't wait to read this.


  2. Sean seems smart. I'd like to know more about him!

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  3. Enjoyed reading the excerpt today. Question for Anne: When you were developing Kory, you made her a veteran but what made you decide on her job of medic in the military?

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

  4. Thanks for sharing! Excited to hear more about the book! :)

    hense1kk (at) cmich (dot) edu

  5. I can't wait to read this exciting story.


  6. If you made this into a movie who would play the main characters?

    fencingromein at hotmail dot com

  7. Enjoyed the excerpt. Congratulations!

  8. This sounds like a really exciting adventure/romance. I can hardly wait to read it.

  9. Sounds very exciting...look forward to reading more.

  10. Lovin' the way this novel sounds!


  11. Best of luck with the release!

