Sunday, June 30, 2013

Weekend Writing Warriors: Abuse in Prisons

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors.  My sample today picks up where I left off last week, at the prison.  If you've just joined me, Prince Alan's father sentenced him to a year in prison because he refused to wed a woman of his father's choosing.  The prince has just arrived and is speaking to the keeper, the warden at the prison.  The keeper has just asked Prince Alan why he had not trained as a warrior.  Prince Alan is answering his question.  When you finish here, please go on over to and find other lovely sentences from participating authors.


Forced by his father into a marriage he didn’t want, Prince Alan soon finds that his bride isn’t the sweet, submissive creature he expected.  Morgane has the heart of a dragon and beauty beyond compare, but she isn’t thrilled about the marriage either.  When black treachery threatens the kingdom, Morgane and Alan embark on a perilous journey that has an excellent chance of ending in failure and death for them and all of their people.  

"My father had my brother. He had no use for me because I

liked to paint."

Kynthelig stepped forward and struck the prince across the

face. A black stone in his elaborate gold ring scratched a thin red

line across Alan's cheek. "You were told to address me as Keeper


The prince's eyes flashed. "Yes, Keeper Kynthelig."

ʺThat is better."

The Enchanted is available at most online retail outlets and will be in print soon.


Friday, June 28, 2013

Sweet Saturday Sample: Wedding Reception 3

Welcome to Sweet Saturday Sample.  After you check out my sentences you can go to and read more from other participating authors.  I'm picking up today at Alan and Morgane's wedding reception.  Morgane has just asked for a favor. Alan speaks first.

Forced by his father into a marriage he didn’t want, Prince Alan soon finds that his bride isn’t the sweet, submissive creature he expected. Morgane has the heart of a dragon and beauty beyond compare, but she isn’t thrilled about the marriage either. When black treachery threatens the kingdom, Morgane and Alan embark on a perilous journey that has an excellent chance of ending in failure and death for them and all of their people.
"If it is within my power to grant, I will do it."

"Tell my father that Edana should stay with me. I do not

want her to return to my father's kingdom. As she has no family of

her own, she is willing to stay with me."

Alan nodded. "I can do that. It probably makes little

difference to your father anyway."

ʺThank you."

Alan waited for a break in the conversation between Maccus

and his father before making his request. "King Maccus, if it is no

bother, I would appreciate it if you would allow my wife's servant

to stay here to attend her. Settling into a new place is easier when

you have a familiar face around you."

King Maccus did not seem to care either way. "Certainly she

may stay."

Alan inclined his head. "I appreciate your generosity." He

turned to his father. "Princess Morgane and I will now retire for the


"Good, good." The king patted Alan's shoulder and beamed

at him. Ha! His father was probably already counting his


Thursday, June 27, 2013


by Cynthia Gail






Sara Michaels is single again. And she’s celebrating her thirtieth birthday with a complete spa makeover and a day of boutique shopping with her two best friends. After a ten-month battle for freedom, a long weekend in Nashville, Tennessee is just what she needs to erase the memories of a broken heart.


Jack Tanner is the soon-to-be new partner at Chester & Dorsey Development Firm. Jack’s love life has been on the back burner for years as he’s built a successful career. But the moment he meets Sara, he takes a hard look at his life and his priorities.


Sara steps out of her comfort zone and spends an unforgettable weekend with Jack. She’s never felt so carefree. Until she realizes too late that three days can change everything.






Jack was leaning against a post, about halfway between the barn and the porch, when he saw Sara come out of the house.


God, she was gorgeous. Every inch of his body stirred as he watched her approach him in a pair of form-fitting black jeans. She had her hair down and wore a long necklace that hung low on her neck, bringing his eyes to the low cut of her shimmery blue blouse.


If that wasn’t enough to make his blood boil, she was wearing a pair of high-heeled black sandals that showed off her sexy red toenails he’d noticed the previous night.


He felt like a teenager going on his first date. He didn’t know what to say. You’re pretty didn’t seem to do justice, but he hated to be the slobbering fool, constantly telling her how beautiful or amazing she looked. Even though she did.


He wished their situation wasn’t so complicated. He was getting ready to make a huge move in his professional life that would take him farther away from her.


How could life be so cruel, to introduce him to such an amazing woman, the kind he could really see himself falling for, just to say that he couldn’t have her?


Or maybe life wasn’t saying he couldn’t have her. Maybe long distance was just temporary. Maybe . . .




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


My husband and I live in the suburbs of Nashville, Tennessee with our eighteen-year-old son and three dogs. When I’m not working or writing, I can be found with family and friends. I love to bake in the winter, grill in the summer, and on occasion, I sneak away from everyone and curl up with a good book.


I hope you enjoy my stories. Each one touches on modern day issues, fears, and challenges that women face every day. And each one illustrates that love is within reach if you let down those walls and allow your heart to open. Our lives and experiences are so much more meaningful when we have someone to share them with.



Be sure to follow Cynthia's tour at  She's giving away a $25 Amazon gift certificate and a $15 Starbucks gift certificate to two lucky winners.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Rules of Dreaming

Welcome to Bruce Hartman's virtual book tour.  Bruce is the author of The Rules of Dreaming. Bruce, would you rather write a NY Times bestseller which is light and fluffy or a book from your heart written because you love it?

Some people make a good living writing bestsellers, and I respect them, especially if they also happen to write good books.  A fair number of bestsellers are also very good books.  Writing a commercially successful book takes hard work and abilities that most people (including most writers) don’t have. To write a commercially successful novel that is also a very good book—I think of Life of Pi or Cloud Atlas or some of Louise Erdrich’s books—is almost miraculous, but it’s worth remembering that Faulkner and Hemingway were bestselling authors in their day.  Not too long ago the New York Times fiction bestseller list didn’t include genre titles; now they predominate, and the list of genres has expanded to include almost everything.  Meanwhile the publishers have tried to squeeze out profits through market segmentation, slicing and dicing the readers into a data feed of genres and sub-genres that define how their reading dollars will be spent.  Writing the typical bestseller has become more an exercise in demographics than in literature. Yet the most inventive writers are always creating something new, even if the publishers can’t take their eyes off the rear-view mirror.  Several of the biggest all-time bestsellers were initially rejected by multiple publishers because they pioneered new genres or sub-genres:  John Grisham’s The Firm, Tom Clancy’s The Hunt for Red October,  Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code. I know one (former) editor who proudly boasts that he rejected The Firm and would do the same thing again today.  Today we are seeing the big publishers running after 17-year-olds who self-publish on their phones!


Back to the question: Would you rather write a NY Times bestseller which is light and fluffy or a book from your heart written because you love it?  Obviously that’s a false dichotomy.  Most NY Times bestsellers aren’t light and fluffy—quite a few are dark, violent and heavy.  And it’s quite possible for a really talented writer like Yann Martel or Louise Erdrich to write from the heart and also score a commercial success.  As for myself, I think the best advice came from André Gide:


“Throw away my book: you must understand that it represents only one of a thousand attitudes.  You must find your own.  If someone else could have done something as well as you, don’t do it.  If someone else could have said something as well as you, don’t say it—or written something as well as you, don’t write it.   Grow fond only of that which you can find nowhere but in yourself, and create out of yourself, impatiently or patiently, ah! that most irreplaceable of beings.”

In other words, write the book that only you can write.  No other book is worth writing.  If you want to stay strictly within one of the accepted genres (which is something I’ve never been able to do), the challenge is all the greater: to stay within the genre and still write the book that only you can write.  The best genre fiction writers are able to put that stamp of individuality on everything they write.

If you write the book that only you can write, the publishing industry may eventually catch up with you, as it did with John Grisham and Dan Brown.  Or maybe not; they’re running a business. But here’s the good part:  If they never catch up with you, you didn’t waste your time.  If you enjoy writing as much as I do, you will have received 90% of the benefits that you could ever hope to achieve as a writer.  The only part you may miss—unless you’re really lucky—is fame and fortune. 
Thank you, Bruce. That was very interesting. Now let's move on to a blurb and excerpt.
The Rules of Dreaming
A novel of madness, music — and murder.
A beautiful opera singer hangs herself on the eve of her debut at the Met.  Seven years later the opera she was rehearsing—Offenbach’s Tales of Hoffmann—begins to take over the lives of her two schizophrenic children, the doctors who treat them and everyone else who crosses their paths, until all are enmeshed in a world of deception and delusion, of madness and ultimately of evil and death.  Onto this shadowy stage steps Nicole P., a graduate student who discovers that she too has been assigned a role in the drama. What strange destiny is being worked out in their lives?

Late last summer, after less than two months at the Palmer Institute, I witnessed an extraordinary performance.  One of my patients, Hunter Morgan (that was not his real name), sat down at the piano in the patient lounge and started playing like a virtuoso.  Hunter was a twenty-one year old schizophrenic who had lived in the Institute for the past seven years, and as far as anyone could remember he’d never touched the piano before.  The piece he played was classical music—that was about all I could tell—and it sounded fiendishly difficult, a whirlwind of chords and notes strung together in a jarring rhythm that seemed the perfect analog of a mind spinning out of control.  He continued playing for about ten minutes and then suddenly stopped in the middle of an intense climactic passage.  Without acknowledging his audience—which consisted of his sister Antonia, his nurse Mrs. Paterson, a few other patients and myself—he stood up from the piano and ran out of the room.
Since I was new at the Institute, the impact of this performance was lost on me at first.  I assumed that Hunter had been studying the piano from an early age.  It wasn’t until later that afternoon, when I reviewed Hunter’s chart and questioned Mrs. Paterson specifically about the piano playing, that I realized how uncanny this incident really was.
“You mean he’s never played the piano before?”
Bruce Hartman has been a bookseller, pianist, songwriter and attorney.  He lives with his wife in Philadelphia.  His previous novel, Perfectly Healthy Man Drops Dead, was published by Salvo Press in 2008.
Readers, follow Bruce's tour and comment often for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate from either Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Tour dates can be found at

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Beyond the Book: The Enchanted: A Romantic Fantasy

Welcome to Beyond the Book. I am the Princess Morgane, daughter of King Maccus and wife to Prince Alan who is heir to his father King Bowdyn. The entry today is slightly different.  Madame Cantrell is posting information about her incredible book for those of you who are not familiar with her work. She has many friends who have posted the same information on their blogs or on their Facebook pages. She is also sharing an excerpt from The Enchanted. I am sure that you will love it. If you should want to purchase the book you can find it at almost all online retail outlets.


Forced by his father into a marriage he didn’t want, Prince Alan soon finds that his bride isn’t the sweet, submissive creature he expected. Morgane has the heart of a dragon and beauty beyond compare, but she isn’t thrilled about the marriage either. When black treachery threatens the kingdom, Morgane and Alan embark on a perilous journey that has an excellent chance of ending in failure and death for them and all their people.


Morgane advanced on her enemy with deadly purpose.


"No!" Alan roared. "She has a knife."


Morgane tried to retreat, but it was too late. Aili's knife caught her in her thigh. Blood spurted as if from a fountain. Renweard was closer to her than Alan. His sword rose. Aili breathed her last as Morgane swayed and slipped to the floor.


Alan ran across the room and cradled her in his arms. In seconds he was coated with blood. "ʺWe must stop the bleeding!" he cried. "Where are the healers?"


ʺI will find one." Renweard left the room at a run with King Bowdyn right behind him.


Morgane's eyes fluttered open. "Your arms around me. No heaven can compare.ʺ


Alan pressed a kiss to her hair. "I love you, my brave Morgane."


Morgane sighed. "I could not let you face this battle alone.ʺ

Author’s Note:

After spending most of the last ten years writing contemporary romance, I decided it was time for a change. So in the spring of 2012 I wrote my first romantic fantasy, The Enchanted. Several challenges immediately presented themselves. First, I knew that I didn't want the fantasy to overpower the romance which meant I'd have to balance my world building details with the romantic elements.

Challenge two was finding characters who'd fit into my newly created world. I didn't want plastic, stereotypical characters. I wanted real people with warts and human imperfections, people whose lives and problems would draw you in and make you care about them.

My third challenge was to craft a plot that included fantasy elements, yet at the same time allowed my characters to be in charge of their own destiny and in the process grow and change.

I'm pleased with the way it turned out. I enjoyed the experience so much I have another fantasy/sci fi romance in the wings waiting for December and its turn at publication. Given my new love affair with fantasy romance, will I write contemporary romance again? I sure will. I'm working on one right now, and I just love it. It will be my first full length romantic comedy.

Author Links:

The Enchanted is sold at most online retail outlets.



A sweet story, easy read, fairytale/fantasy/romance 5 stars. 
Teresa Cypher on Amazon

A wonderful story that has swept into my heart. I will be remembering this one for a long time and reading it again.
                                                   Tifferz Book Reviews on Goodreads

Monday, June 24, 2013

E.A. West and Battlefield Of The Heart

Happy Monday!  Oh, I know that Monday usually isn't our favorite day, but we may as well pretend since we can't change it anyway. One of my favorite authors is a lady who writes for Astraea Press. Her name is E.A. West, and I thought I'd try to brighten your Monday with some information about her and her latest release. I know you're going to enjoy it.



What started out as a bit of research for a sociology paper quickly turns into much more than Cindy ever expected. But can she survive Danny’s PTSD long enough to form a relationship with him?

Cindy Waymire, a college senior in search for a topic for an upcoming sociology paper, finds more than a topic when she meets Army veteran and college freshman Danny Flynn outside the student union. An undeniable attraction to this troubled veteran leads her on a difficult and wind-ing path that brings her to a crossroads — get into a relationship with a man who has serious mental health problems or turn her back on one of the best men she’s ever met.

Can Cindy set her fears aside and follow her heart, or will the ghosts haunting Danny’s mind end their relationship before it begins?




A dark-haired guy with an athletic build, not more than an inch or two taller than her height of five foot nine, stood scanning the area as though he was lost. Clean-shaven, with just a hint of a five o’clock shadow along his jaw, he wore a T-shirt and jeans, both fitting just tight enough to hint at lean muscles. Cindy considered taking a candid photo and sending it to her girlfriends, but her cell phone was in her purse and digging it out would be too obvious. Maybe she could find another way to share this cutie with them.


His actions reminded her of her own during her first semester there. She’d had to ask someone where to find buildings so many times. Without those sympathetic upperclassmen, she would have been perpetually lost.


If he was a new student, that made her the sympathetic upperclassman. She stopped near him and smiled. “Hi, can I help you find someplace?”


He didn’t seem to hear her. She moved closer, thinking he might not realize she was talking to him. “Excuse me.”


He twisted and grabbed her wrist with startling speed. She screamed as he spun her around, bringing her arm behind her and forcing her to the ground as he said something unintelligible, but undeniably commanding. As he put a knee on her back and pulled her other arm, she heard people running toward them and prayed they could help. The guy was strong and no amount of struggling did any good. He just tightened his grasp on her wrists and applied more pressure with his knee, making it difficult for her to draw in a breath.


“Danny, let her up!” a male voice said as the running steps stopped beside them.


“He’s a threat.”


He? Before Cindy could figure out what the guy was talking about, she felt some of his weight lift from her back.


“She’s a noncombatant, Sarge,” a third male voice said.


The grip on her wrists loosened. “What?”


“You’re in the States, man.”


“Crap!” He released her wrists, and his weight lifted from her completely.




Battlefield of the Heart is available from most online retailers including:


Astraea Press:!/~/product/category=662245&id=21971513




Barnes & Noble:






About the Author:


E.A. West, author of sweet and inspirational romance, is a lifelong lover of books and storytelling. In high school, she picked up her pen in a creative writing class and hasn’t laid it down yet. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys reading, knitting, and crocheting. She lives in Indiana with her family and a small zoo of pets.


You can connect with E.A. West and learn more about her books in the following places:








Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weekend Writing Warriors: Prison Sentence

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors.  My sample today picks up where I left off last week, at the prison.  If you've just joined me, Prince Alan's father sentenced him to a year in prison because he refused to wed a woman of his father's choosing.  The prince has just arrived and is speaking to the keeper, the warden at the prison.  The keeper has just asked Prince Alan why he had not trained as a warrior.  Prince Alan is answering his question.  When you finish here, please go on over to and find other lovely sentences from participating authors.


Forced by his father into a marriage he didn’t want, Prince Alan soon finds that his bride isn’t the sweet, submissive creature he expected.  Morgane has the heart of a dragon and beauty beyond compare, but she isn’t thrilled about the marriage either.  When black treachery threatens the kingdom, Morgane and Alan embark on a perilous journey that has an excellent chance of ending in failure and death for them and all of their people.  

"My father had my brother. He had no use for me because I

liked to paint."

Kynthelig stepped forward and struck the prince across the

face. A black stone in his elaborate gold ring scratched a thin red

line across Alan's cheek. "You were told to address me as Keeper


The prince's eyes flashed. "Yes, Keeper Kynthelig."

ʺThat is better."


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Weekend Writing Warriors: The Prison

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors. My excerpt today comes from The Enchanted my new fantasy romance. Last week we saw that because my hero Alan wouldn't marry the woman his father the king selected for you, the king sentenced him to a year in prison. We pick up with Prince Alan meeting the man who manages the prison.  When you've finished here, you can find more lovely sentences at http://www.wewriwa.com  

Keeper Kynthelig's long, thin fingers tapped against the

parchment the king had sent him. He laid it aside and looked his

prisoner over. ʺHow tall are you?" he asked.

ʺSix feet, three inches,ʺ Alan replied, his voice flat and even.

ʺYou will address me as Keeper Kynthelig. For one so tall,

you are not well muscled. Did you not train as a warrior with your


ʺNo, Keeper Kynthelig, I did not."

So far so good, but check back next week to see how Alan's luck changes.  The Enchanted is available at most online retail outlets.

Forced by his father into a marriage he didn’t want, Prince Alan soon finds that his bride isn’t the sweet, submissive creature he expected. Morgane has the heart of a dragon and beauty beyond compare, but she isn’t thrilled about the marriage either. When black treachery threatens the kingdom, Morgane and Alan embark on a perilous journey that has an excellent chance of ending in failure and death for them and all of their people.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Sweet Saturday Sample: Wedding Reception II

Welcome to Sweet Saturday Sample. My excerpt today is from my new release The Enchanted. In this excerpt, my hero and heroine who have been married in an arranged marriage are at their wedding reception. After you look at my sentences please go to and find some more super authors and their samples.

Morgane inclined her head and allowed him to take her

hand. As they moved to the center of the great hall, the musicians

began a lively, catchy tune. "Shall we?" Bowing to the princess, he

took her in his arms and the dance began. She was feather-light, but

her face betrayed the pain this dance caused her. He prayed it

would end soon, for he had no desire to inflict pain on her.

They danced alone for a minute or so before King Bowdyn

took Queen Donella's hand and joined them. The other guests

followed onto the floor. When they finally were able to sit down,

Alan whispered, "My father's wise woman can look at your feet. I

think she can make you feel much more comfortable. She has great

"Thank you.ʺ
They stayed at the festivities for two hours, the minimum

amount of time dictated by good manners. With relief Alan turned

to the princess who had not proved a stimulating conversationalist.

"Would you like to retire? We have stayed the obligatory time."
Morgane met his eyes for the first time that evening. The

desperation he saw there chilled him. "I would ask a favor of you."


Forced by his father into a marriage he didn’t want, Prince Alan soon finds that his bride isn’t the sweet, submissive creature he expected. Morgane has the heart of a dragon and beauty beyond compare, but she isn’t thrilled about the marriage either. When black treachery threatens the kingdom, Morgane and Alan embark on a perilous journey that has an excellent chance of ending in failure and death for them and all of their people.

The Sentence is available at most online retail outlets.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

JoAnne Tucker: Life, Love, And Everything In Between

Please help me welcome JoAnne Tucker to my blog. JoAnne writes novels, but she also writes poetry, and today she's going to share a poem with us.  JoAnne, I appreciate your coming to my blog. I can't write poetry to save my life, and I'm perfectly awed that you can. Here's a wonderful poem from her book.

I was afraid to grow up.
Afraid of life.
I worried myself to death.
It was hard to breathe.
Like a fish out of water.
Like having asthma.
High school was hell-crazy wild.
My only plan.
Just get up and go.
Cant be like mom.
She always had a plan.
Living her life without any man.
Cant think that far.
Felt out of place.
Like dust floating in space.
Scared out of my mind.
Of what I might or might not find.
Cant hack relationships.
More drama.
Why waste the time.
Still confused, but still craving knowledge.
I need to do what I want-for myself.
Even if its just me who cares.
Even if no ones there.
It was a long hard road.
To get my act together.
All bad choices, solely I sowed.
Working for nickels and dimes.
Like a newborn.
Taking one step at a time.


Author Bio:

I hail from the famous Hocking Hills region of southeastern Ohio. I have worked in the blue-collar industry most of my life. Besides having several novels under my belt, I also canvass paint.
When not busy with hobbies or working outside the home, I spend time with relatives, my dogs Jasmine and Scooter, and volunteer my time within the community. I am a member of the Hocking Hill's Arts and Craftsmen Association, The Hocking County Historical Society and Museum, and the Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center. I believe in family values and following your dreams.
My upcoming novels from Melange Books are:
MURDER MOST FOUL-a crime/detective story
"WICKED INTENTIONS" a paranormal/mystery anthology
"LOVES', MYTHS' AND MONSTERS'," a fantasy anthology
“FLAGITIOUS,” a crime and paranormal novella collection
Other books soon available:
"THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY," a biography true-crime
"TWISTED LOVE," a true-crime anthology


“Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between” is a poetry collection that provides a glimpse into the heart, mind and soul, of its author. It is a heartwarming read, written with love and respect for others. Some poems were written in times of sorrow, other poems were written in times of joyous celebration. Life if like that.

Respectfully Yours,
JoAnne Myers Melange Author of Murder Most Foul,- Wicked Intentions,- Loves', Myths', and Monsters',- The Crime of the Century,- Twisted Love,- Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between, and Flagitious.

My website:

My website Blog:
Buy Link to Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between: