Saturday, June 8, 2013

Weekend Writing Warriors: He's Gone Too Far

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors. My excerpt today comes from The Enchanted and picks up where we left off last week. My hero's father has demanded that he marry a woman he has never met to make a political alliance. Alan is on his knees in front of his father the king who has heard all he intends to hear from Alan. The book is available at most online retail outlets. You can find more lovely sentences from participating authors at

 Forced by his father into a marriage he didn’t want, Prince Alan soon finds that his bride isn’t the sweet, submissive creature he expected. Morgane has the heart of a dragon and beauty beyond compare, but she isn’t thrilled about the marriage either. When black treachery threatens the kingdom, Morgane and Alan embark on a perilous journey that has an excellent chance of ending in failure and death for them and all of their people.



ʺEnough!"  Bowdyn's eyes bulged with the force of his



Four men dressed in the family's red red-and-­
white livery rushed from their places against the rough stone wall.
"Bind him!" the king cried.

The guards hauled Alan to his feet and fastened his hands
behind his back with a silken cord — a privilege extended only to
those of royal birth.

Next week you'll see what the king does to Alan.


  1. Very nice snippet, Elaine. Wondered if you meant to repeat red in the first line?? I definitely want to read on.

  2. Exciting and bodes evil for the son. good 8.

  3. Oh god, so the kind is not only going to force marry him but now he is going to torture him because he refused.
    I think this kind will be assassinated soon.

  4. Very intense scene! I hope he's able to get out of this predicament.

  5. Wow - the king is imprisoning his own son? That can't bode well.

  6. from the blurb sounds like a good match. Alan just doesn't know it yet. When a parent says do something it's only natural for a child not to

  7. No! Leave him alone you big bully! Loved it!

  8. Tense but highly intriguing, nice details even in the heat of the action. Great snippet!

  9. Poor Prince Alan! His father is very harsh and I can't wait to find out what happens next.

  10. I don't think the king has a pleasant surprise saved for him. Poor Prince Alan! (By the way, I love your cover!)

  11. Loving the tension of this snippet. Fabulous.

  12. I like this. The writing is so in tune with the scene.

  13. I love the silken rope as a detail. Stands out. His father seems very unreasonable and I can't imagine what it would feel like to have your own parent call guards for you!

  14. Heck! This is not a good turn of events.

  15. Talk about leaving us on a cliffhanger. I can't wait to find out what happens next. Great snippet.

  16. Ooh intense! And the bit about family red coming to get him...something is up. Looking forward to more! Great 8 :)

  17. Powerful snippet! Can't wait to find out what happens to him.

    ~Joyce Scarbrough
