Saturday, June 15, 2013

Weekend Writing Warriors: Prison Sentence

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors. I'm so glad you've come to read my excerpt. When you're finished here, go on over to to find more lovely sentences from participating authors. These sentences pick up where we left off last time. My hero the prince has defied his father and refused to marry the lady the king picked out for him. Last week the king lost his temper and called for the guards to bind the prince. This is what happens next.

Forced by his father into a marriage he didn’t want, Prince Alan soon finds that his bride isn’t the sweet, submissive creature he expected. Morgane has the heart of a dragon and beauty beyond compare, but she isn’t thrilled about the marriage either. When black treachery threatens the kingdom, Morgane and Alan embark on a perilous journey that has an excellent chance of ending in failure and death for them and all of their people.

The guards hauled Alan to his feet and fastened his hands
behind his back with a silken cord — a privilege extended only to
those of royal birth. "I have tolerated your disrespect and rebellious
attitude long enough." The king's voice dripped with icicles now.
"As much as it pains me to admit it, you are nothing like your
brother. If Nealon had lived, I would have the option of letting you
spend the rest of your life painting pictures or grieving for your
dead wife. Unhappily for us both, your brother died defending the
kingdom, and you are all that I have left.
"Therefore, for your disobedient and disrespectful ways, I
sentence you to one year in the prison of Malville." A grim smile
crossed the king's face.

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  1. Ouch. I really feel for him, to be his father's least favorite and have it shoved in his face so cruelly. Excellent show of his father's character here.

  2. Lovely snippet - and the prison is a tad bit of a worry for our prince - cannot conceive it would be a place he would want to be. I suspect (hope) he escapes.

  3. Poor Prince! Love the king's voice "dripping with icicles" line. Sure hope Alan get a reprieve.

  4. Oh no! I'm gonna have to help that pretty prince escape. ;) Great excerpt, Elaine!

  5. A year! He's so cruel. I need to know what happens next, I'm so worried for him.

  6. A year? That's a lot of time considering he needs him. *gulp*

  7. Oh no, a whole year? The king is really p-ed off. If the king feels let down, how much more so must the prince feel! Nice emotional excerpt.

  8. Methinks Alan and his lady must do something to free him from prison and soon. Terrific story.

  9. Oh dear, the poor prince. Prison is probably the least of his worries, compared to the way his father spoke to him. This story really pulls me in, can't wait for more. Excellent excerpt!

  10. That has to be painful, being considered the spare instead of the prized heir. It made me think of how my 10th grade European History AP teacher told us how Henry VIII was put in that position too, after his favored older brother died.

  11. Love the voice 'dripping with icicles.' I take it the prison of Malville is not a nice place?

  12. Poor Alan! I think his father needs to learn a harsh lesson in valuing ALL his children.

  13. if he's in prison he won't have to marry ...His father isn't much for positive reinforcement eh?

  14. Interesting choice of snippets for Father's Day. lol The king is not getting any father of the year awards. Great tension. Well done.

  15. Oh, that's just harsh! Great snippet. =)

  16. Doesn't sound like the way to accomplish what he wants from his son. It's likely to produce more rebellion.

  17. Oh, wow. That's harsh! Love the father/so/brother dynamics going on here. Nice snippet!

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

  18. Oh man doesn't seem to be working out for him. Can't wait to read more!

  19. Great snippet, Elaine. Lots of tension.

  20. Wow! He's been through a lot and now a year in prison! Poor prince for sure! Great 8!

  21. Somehow while he is in prison he can't get married and give the kingdom an heir.
    The king is just evil there is no way to resonate with him.

  22. I really feel for him there.
