Friday, December 20, 2013

Be Mine This Christmas Night

If you came for Fashionista Friday, scroll on down, but why not enjoy this post first? LA Sartor is talking about her new Christmas novel, and it sounds wonderful.

Elaine, thank you for having me as a guest on your blog.  Today I'm going to talk a bit about my latest book and my journey as an indie writer, so pull up a chair and drink of choice and join me.
I just released my third book; Be Mine This Christmas Night, and not a day or two later,  my husband brought to my attention an article from the Wall Street Journal titled "Torrent of Books on Way Before Holidays."
Thank you, sweetie, for showing me this. NOT.
I began to second guess my decision to write this book. Why did I think I could compete? Why a Christmas book?  Why did I go with KDP Select for this one?
Doubts swirled and threatened to swamp me. Then I took a deep breath and remembered that indie publishing is not for the faint of heart.
I reminded myself that I wrote a wonderful Christmas story set in my hometown of Boulder, CO, which lights a star on Flagstaff mountain every season. To me the star symbolizes hope. Hope that seems to flare brighter during this season. Hope for mankind, for peace, for the light to shine into the darkness of hearts and into souls.
Which is the reason I wrote the book. It's not about the Boulder star per se, which does have a starring (sorry for the pun) role in the story, but stars themselves are an important element in the book, just as hope and wonderment, snow and holiday lights are important elements. Symbols of the season that heals hearts and fosters love in Be Mine This Christmas Night.
And that's why I think I can compete. Because I so believe in this story and in the season. This book simply had to be written.
Also it's dedicated to my brother with whom I spent so many wondrous Christmas mornings.  In Germany as babies and toddlers and the wonder of seeing a Christmas tree for the first time. In Pacific Palisades, CA, when our father would tramp in the fireplace ashes and onto the carpet, and we were sure they were Santa's boot prints. In Boulder, Colorado where we put our own star up on the chimney.  Memories that bring me happiness and hope.
And for my last doubt? Why did I go with KDP Select for this book and not the others? 
If you're unfamiliar with Kindle Direct Publishing Select, it means by choosing this program, that I can only sell on their site, Amazon (and all of them throughout the world) for 90 days. I have five free days if I wish to use them and I will, and I get paid if someone borrows the book.
So yes this means I can't put the book for sale anywhere else. I can have a paperback and do. So it is limiting…in a sense.
KDP Select is an experiment. I know that I must try everything marketing-wise that makes sense to me.  And I want to find out how this strategy will promote me, my stories and my writing. This season of hope and of light seemed the perfect time to do this.
Lending the book with the hope that people will love my writing and want the other two  books and spread the word about author L.A. Sartor was one goal. And the other? That this story which will hopefully be read all year long will resonate  with each reader, that the light will shine, and with luck and faith, spread. That more people will buy it, fall in love with it and tell others, as word of mouth is the best sales pitch of all.
So why not try if I believe in the power of my story so strongly?
Be Mine This Christmas Night starts with the rhyme:
Star Light Star bright,
The first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.
~ anonymous
Which is also the series name, Star Light ~ Star Bright. And that's what I'll be doing when I see the first star tonight. That and a bit of prayer.
Book Two of the series comes out in 2014 and Book Three, I don't know yet, maybe early 2015.
More chances, more risk, my heart is not faint.
I hope your Holidays were bright and the New Year brings you happiness and peace.
Leslie Ann Sartor (aka L.A. Sartor) began telling stories around the age of 4 when her mother, at Leslie’s insistence, wrote them down and Leslie illustrated them.  As an adult she writes suspense and action adventure novels with a dash of romance, and screenplays—she's had a contracted adaptation!  She lives in Colorado with her husband whom she met on a blind date.  Leslie loves to travel and thinks life is an adventure and we should embrace the journey.  She has a blog: My Story, My Way ~ an Indie Adventure. She is also one of the Five Scribes.  Check out her website, Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook
Titles published:
Dare to Believe (2012)
Stone of Heaven (May 2013)
Be Mine This Christmas Night (Holiday 2013)
…Stay Tuned for more and join my mailing list at
The Children's Author …
Annie Hamilton's children's series Star Light~Star Bright is a mega hit. She loves kids and wants nothing more than a family of her own, but twice burned, thrice shy. When a gorgeous man with two young boys moves next door, Annie can't help but dream her impossible dream.
And The Widower Who Moved Next Door …
Cole Evans is a brilliant scientist, but finds fatherhood a challenge. When his son develops a bond with their enchanting neighbor, the boy’s favorite author, Cole discovers just how much he's lost—and how much he needs.
Will Their Wish Come True This Christmas Night?
Can Cole overcome family meddling and alleviate Annie's fears so they can be a ready-made family?
Buy Links:


Leslie Ann Sartor (aka L.A. Sartor) began telling stories around the age of 4 when her mother, at Leslie’s insistence, wrote them down and Leslie illustrated them.  As an adult she writes suspense and action adventure novels with a dash of romance, and screenplays—she's had a contracted adaptation!  She lives in Colorado with her husband whom she met on a blind date.  Leslie loves to travel and thinks life is an adventure and we should embrace the journey.  She has a blog: My Story, My Way ~ an Indie Adventure. She is also one of the Five Scribes.  Check out her website, Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook

Titles published:

Dare to Believe (2012)

Stone of Heaven (May 2013)

Be Mine This Christmas Night (Holiday 2013)



The Children's Author …

Annie Hamilton's children's series Star Light~Star Bright is a mega hit. She loves kids and wants nothing more than a family of her own, but twice burned, thrice shy. When a gorgeous man with two young boys moves next door, Annie can't help but dream her impossible dream.


And The Widower Who Moved Next Door …

Cole Evans is a brilliant scientist, but finds fatherhood a challenge. When his son develops a bond with their enchanting neighbor, the boy’s favorite author, Cole discovers just how much he's lost—and how much he needs.


Will Their Wish Come True This Christmas Night?

Can Cole overcome family meddling and alleviate Annie's fears so they can be a ready-made family?


Buy Links:


  1. Elaine,
    Thank you so much for hosting me today. And I have some incredible news. I just hit #1 in Holiday books on Amazon. I'm stunned and thrilled and giddy. What a Christmas present.

    I hope you enjoy Be Mine This Christmas Night, I loved writing it.

    Happy Holidays to everyone.

  2. That's super news!! I haven't started it yet, but now that I'm on vacation I plan to read it next week. Happy Holidays to you too.
