Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Beyond the Book: Christmas Crafts

"Elizabeth, we only have another day at Elaine's blog, and we haven't shown anyone the Christmas wreath Elaine made."

"No, we haven't, Nikki.  Readers, would you like to see it?  Elaine is super proud of it. She isn't very crafty, you know, but she did a good job on this.

"Tell them what Elaine's son said."

"He saw Elaine's wreath and said that next Christmas they should all have a wreath making competition. Several family teams have already formed."

"That'll be so much fun!  I bet Elaine wins."

(Elizabeth giggles.)  "We'll see. Here's the wreath, readers. Maybe next year all of you can start some kind of Christmas competition in your family."

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