Saturday, December 21, 2013

Snippet Sunday

Welcome to Snippet Sunday! It's only a few days until Christmas so let's have a Christmas excerpt from The Table in the Window. When you're finished here, you can find more excerpts at  In this excerpt, my hero and heroine are walking to the theater.

The minute they left the building the wind assaulted them.

“My teeth are ch…ch…chattering,” Marley stuttered.

Mentally crossing his fingers for luck, Rob put his arm

around her and hugged her close. “It’s only a little way to the


Marley was either too cold to mind, or she really didn’t

mind, because she didn’t move away from him. By the time they

reached the theater, Rob felt as warm as toast, and it didn’t have a

thing to do with the weather. She felt so small, so feminine,

snuggled into his side. His arm tightened around her as he

breathed in her warm female scent.

Being dumped by your gorgeous fiancĂ© is bad enough no matter when it happens, but he did it at Christmas time! Marley thinks she’ll never get over it, but Rob Travers disagrees. He sets out to win Marley’s heart, well aware that when she finds out about his past, she may turn her back on him forever.

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  1. Hmm... weather wise it seems like they could be in Michigan. I like the way you mixed melancholy and sweetness in this snippet. It's not always easy to blend the two. Very well done.

  2. Rob seems to be asking for trouble but it's nice to have someone around for Christmas.

  3. This is so sweet, Elaine! Rob is adorable. :)

  4. Awww... sweet scene. I love the part about how she felt snuggled against his side.

  5. Awww, sweet, I could feel the cold and I enjoyed the way he warmed her up! Great snippet!

  6. sounds like i book I would love!

  7. The gods must be smiling down on him and granted the blessed wind to blow and chill the air. Sure gave him the perfect excuse to draw her near. Loved the 8!
