Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Book Review: Be Mine This Christmas Night

Annie Hamilton is a best-selling children's author. At Christmas she treats the neighborhood to cider and a spectacular light display, but this year she has a new neighbor next door, a man and his two sons. Another guy who comes and goes frequently turns out to be the children's uncle. Neither of the men are friendly to Annie, but the younger child is immediately attracted to her.

Annie discovers that Cole Evans' wife died recently. He and the boys as well as his wife's brother are still mourning the dead Lauren. Christmas, though, is a magical time full of love that starts to warm Cole's broken heart. Annie would love to fall in love with Cole, but she has a secret that will ruin everything.

This was an enjoyable Christmas story. Annie and Cole are sympathetic characters, and I loved the little boy Josh.  You can't help hoping that Annie's secret won't scare Cole away once he finds out what it is.

You also can't help falling in love with the setting which is rich in detail. I could picture Annie's lights and almost smell the cider.

I liked the conflict in the story too. It's real. It's something that really could drive a wedge between people.

The ending? Dramatic and wonderful and full of the love of the season. I'd highly recommend it if you like Christmas romance.


  1. I really enjoyed this book. Good story!

  2. Elaine, finding this review was a delightful surprise. I'm so pleased you enjoyed the book and also that you were sweet enough to post a review. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Now I'm going to see if you posted it on Amazon :)
    L.A. Sartor

  3. Not on Amazon yet, but I'll sure put it there.
