Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Book Review Yucatan Dead

Yucatan Dead
by D.V. Berkom


Scroll to the bottom for my review.

" unrelenting thriller of a tension-filled novel...Yucatan Dead is the stuff of which blockbuster movies are made...very highly recommended..." ~ Midwest Book Review

"...Yucatan Dead is a gripping thriller with a gutsy heroine and a tightly woven plot; it will no doubt please Berkom's current fans and gather more." ~ Pacific Book Review

"...Yucatan Dead ratchets up the tension from the start as Kate deals with hit women, warring Mexican drug cartels, and unofficial paramilitary organizations. Survival is never a given..." ~ Big Al's Books 'n Pals

She was a dangerous man's she's his dangerous enemy. 


For Kate Jones, being on the run from her former lover--the vicious leader of a Mexican drug cartel--was never going to be easy. But with a new identity, a new lover, and a new life in Arizona, she was beginning to believe she'd made it through the worst.

Then, in an act of twisted revenge, Kate's kidnapped and imprisoned by her deadly enemy, his intention to force her to pay back the money she stole before he kills her.

Fate intervenes and she finds herself working against the cartels deep in the Yucatan with a group of off-the-grid commandos. From peaceful northern Arizona to the steamy jungles of Mexico, Kate Jones must decide for herself if she'll continue to run...

...or turn and fight the evil that pursues her.


“Why did you leave Salazar?” he asked.

“Because I saw him cut the throat of his close friend over nothing and knew I'd be next.”

Lalo nodded, a solemn look on his face. “They killed my family.” The words were small and quiet, the implication insurmountable. My heart squeezed tight at how senseless and tragic it was.

“I'm sorry.”

His eyes grew dark with anger. “I only returned home for my youngest sister's wedding. I did not have permission from Diaz.” He spit out the cartel boss' name. “He ordered them all killed. Even Lidia. She was only seven.” Horror and grief were etched across his face. He wiped his eyes, took a deep breath. “I knew then I had to work against him. I found Quinn and this group by accident. Quinn saved me from destruction.”

“But Diaz and El Castillo hadn't been seen in this area. As I understand it, only Morales' cartel operated here.”

“That is true. Because of Quinn, I decided to dedicate my life to ridding Mexico of all the cartels. In time, I knew God would give me the chance to avenge my family.” His eyes shone in the early morning sunlight. “And now he has.” He tilted his head to the side and squinted at me. “I think that God has brought you here for the same reason.”

Unable to answer him, I slid the gun into my waistband. What could I say to that? He could be right.

But he could also be dead wrong.

DV Berkom is a slave to the voices in her head. As the author of two bestselling thriller series (Leine Basso and Kate Jones), her love of creating resilient, kick-*ss female characters stems from a lifelong addiction to reading spy novels, mysteries, and thrillers, and longing to find the female equivalent within those pages.

Raised in the Midwest, she received her BA in political science from the University of Minnesota and promptly moved to Mexico to live on a sailboat. Many, many cross-country moves (and several years) later, she now lives just outside of Seattle, Washington with the love of her life, Mark, an ex-chef-turned contractor, and writes every chance she gets.

For more information, please visit her website at

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 The author will be awarding a $50 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour. Use the following link to enter.

You can find her tour schedule at

My review:

Kate Jones made a mistake when she was quite young. She became involved with a drug lord in a Mexican cartel. When he murdered one of his best friends in front of her, she ran for her life. Unfortunately, he isn't willing to let her go. Kate has to assume a new identity and live in secret. She didn't expect to get kidnapped by one of her enemies who plans to pay her back for taking some money from him. Luckily, Kate meets some paramilitary types who operate under the radar, and they try to recruit her. Knowing how high the stakes are, Kate has to decide what to do.

Kate Jones is a wonderful heroine. I like take charge kind of girls who get out there and make things happen. Yet Kate also has flaws which make her wonderfully human. 

The plot is clean and tight and flows smoothly from one incident to another. The action is nonstop from start to finish. It's hard to put the book down.

Ms. Berkom can beautifully set a scene. I could practically feel the jungle around me. 

If you like action/adventure thrillers, this one is for you.  


  1. If money were no object I would love to travel around India. My parents went on a tour last year and it sounded wonderful, i'm am very jealous! I would love to visit the Gateway of India, The Hanging Gardens, City Palace, Jagdish Temple,Saheliyon Ki Bari – The Garden of the Maids of Honour. Have a boat ride on Lake Pichola, see the Mehrangarh Fort and would be fascinated by Mahatma Gandhi’s Memorial in Old Deli. The Taj Mahal would be a sight to behold. I would just be fascinated, it is a country so unlike my own. To take in the culture and sights would be an experience to remember!

  2. Thanks for your review. Makes me sure I'm putting this book on my to-buy list.

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

  3. Nice review. The book sounds great.


  4. Thanks so much for hosting Yucatan Dead and for the great review :-)

  5. A wonderful review. This sounds like a great book.

  6. Your novel sounds fascinating! Who doesn't love a good "revenge plot reversed" novel? :)

    falcondraco at Hotmail dot com

  7. This book sounds as if it has enough adrenalin to power a good suspense/action movie! Thanks for sharing

  8. Congratulations to Stephanie W, who won the $50 Amazon gift certificate! Thanks everyone for participating in the giveaway. It was great fun :-) And a special thanks goes out to Goddess Fish Promotions and Elaine Cantrell--you guys ROCK.

    All my best,
