Friday, March 21, 2014

Candlelight Reads: A Spring in Your Step Bloghop

If you came for Snippet Sunday, scroll on down, but why not enjoy this post first? There are some super great authors participating in the blog hop, and all of them are offering some nice prizes.

Find more blog hoppers here.

What says spring to you more than anything else? For me, it's when my azaleas bloom. I watch the buds as they grow bigger and bigger, and then one morning I wake up and there they are in all of their glory. My mother loved azaleas too which is probably where I learned to appreciate them. I've decided to take cuttings from her azaleas and root them so I can have beauty from plants that she planted with her own hands.

Here's a short excerpt from The Sentence where my hero talks about azaleas. Leave a comment and I'll enter you into a drawing for a copy of my latest novel Blue 52.

Clint parked his car in its old place behind the club. He remembered how much he had dreaded to leave six months ago.

Today, he looked at the place with new eyes and
didn't really like it much.

The back of the building looked plain compared to Cynthia’s
yard, but, of course, Bud didn’t have room for an azalea garden. He
had to have the space for parking. Clint sat there for five minutes
before he could bring himself to get out.

Night was fast approaching. The neon lights in the window
encouraged club patrons to come in and have a beer. At one time
he’d have loved to do just that. Now…now he wasn’t the same
man. The thought of all of that made him sick. The bar didn’t look
like home anymore. Home was a garage apartment with hardwood
floors and red accents. Home was a family who fed you vegetable
soup, dragged you to church, fussed over you, and helped you find
the gift that would last for all eternity.

The Sentence is available at Amazon and most other online retain outlets.


  1. Beautiful flowers in that picture! =) Spring to me means I can break out my flip flops pretty soon lol I cant wait for it to get warmer so I can start wearing them. =)

    Thanks for having this giveaway! I hope you have a great weekend!

    BLeigh1130 at yahoo dot com

  2. You're very welcome. You have a good weekend too.

  3. I love flowers in spring. I also want to read your book. :)

  4. Thank you, Teresa. Naturally, I think it's pretty good.

  5. Yup, that's home. I'm Italian, I know, my family's like that. ;-) Great snippet!

  6. Nice excerpt

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  7. You character sounds like he has his head on straight, and that it took some time for him to get there. Wonderful, as always. :)

  8. I bet he has a really interesting back story...

    My own personal sign of spring is when the colt's foot blooms. (It's a wildflower -- looks a lot like dandelions.)

  9. What a beautiful--and spot on description of home. :-)

  10. The flowers look beautiful. When people start having a little spring in their steps, all excited for the turn of the season, then I know spring's right around the corner. :D

    Thank you for the chance at reading your book. Happy Spring!
