Saturday, March 1, 2014

Snippet Sunday

Welcome to Snippet Sunday, your opportunity to read excerpts from many wonderful authors. When you're finished here, go to for more excerpts.  My excerpt today is from Her Kind of Man. In my Saturday Sample yesterday, I explained a little about my hero and heroine from her point of view. Today, we're in the hero's POV.

He only wanted to touch her hair because it was so different from his, but he didn’t intend to pull it or anything. Still, Kara had screamed bloody murder when she felt his hand on her ponytail.
Not only did the teacher make him stay inside for recess as punishment, but his brother Bobby told on him when they got home. His father had taken a belt to him and made him understand he’d better not get into trouble at school again.
From that time on she was almost always in his class, and when they got to high school she had at least one class with him every year. But Kara never noticed him. He was nothing more than wallpaper to her. Kara and her sisters Kelly and Katie were cheerleaders. They ran with the preppy kids who wouldn’t give a country boy like him the time of day.

Is it possible she’s finally found Her Kind of Man? Ross Williams has been in love with Kara Cochrane since they were kids so when Kara's fiancĂ© Brandon Miles cheats on her and calls off their wedding—Ross steps in to rescue the damsel in distress. A heartbroken Kara just wants to get on with her life and hunky Ross provides her with a definite distraction—that is until she starts falling for him. Big time. But a devastating family secret threatens to destroy everything that Kara holds dear—including her relationship with Ross.

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  1. Such a good book. He must have understood that, "All things come to those who wait." ;-)

    Good 8, Elaine. :-)

  2. The interaction between the kids sounds so right, little boys just do that.

  3. You pack so much information into so few words. A great, yet heart-rending scene.

  4. Aw, poor kid. Sounds typical. But at least he gets a chance later.
    Nice snippet.

  5. Poor guy!

    I'm glad he's going to get the girl eventually, but I hope she comes to her senses soon!

  6. What I find interesting is that while he's always pined for her, she never will notice him except for the fluke, the stroke of luck. I often wonder how many love matches are there that never come to fruition because luck doesn't enter the picture.

  7. Interesting how a seemingly small incident can ripple through the rest of their lives. Can't wait to read more, excellent excerpt!

  8. Oh, yes. I really can see this scene. Very vivid writing.

  9. Ohh poor guy! I'd give him a chance!! Great snippet.
