Sunday, April 13, 2014

Snipped Sunday: Her Kind of Man

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing warriors. Links to more excerpts are posted below. In this excerpt, my heroine makes a huge boo-boo.

A lazy, slow smile crept across Ross's face as he pulled her firmly against him.

Kara's heart took off at a mad gallop. Good golly the man felt good! He teased his lips with her, and Kara abandoned herself to his kiss. When he lifted his head, she murmured, "Kiss me, Brandon."

Ross stiffened. He dropped his arms and moved away from her. "Don't confuse me with Brandon Miles, Kara."

Is it possible she’s finally found her kind of man?
Ross Williams has been in love with Kara Cochrane since they were kids, so when Kara’s fiancĂ© Brandon Miles cheats on her and calls off their wedding—Ross steps in to rescue the damsel in distress.

A heartbroken Kara just wants to get on with her life and hunky Ross provides her with a definite distraction—that is until she starts falling for him. Big time.

But a devastating family secret threatens to destroy everything that Kara holds dear—including her relationship with Ross.

Her Kind of Man is still on sale for .99 at, and is still on the publisher's bestseller list.

For more excerpts go to:


  1. DEFINITELY a major boo-boo! If he had any sense he'd walk away. (Of course, then there wouldn't be a story... LOL)

  2. Oh, no! I bet it's going to take a couple of chapters for her to convince him she really wants him, not her ex-fiance (especially if she needs to lern that herself, first)!

  3. Oops! It was all going so well! I love your description of that "lazy, slow smile". That is one great smile!

    Brandon put up with so much.

    Good book, Elaine. For anyone who hasn't read it--if you're looking for a sweet romance, this is a good one. :-)

    Good to see ya! :-D

  4. Hi Elaine!

    She must be kicking herself right here. This is a perfect excerpt to get new readers drawn in. I hope he doesn't hold a grudge against an innocent slip-up like this.

  5. Oh, no! Such an awkward slip. Curious to see how she recovers from that one.

  6. Uh-oh. That's definitely a major slip. How is she going to handle that?
    I'm looking forward to reading this story.

  7. Uh oh, never a good thing to use the wrong name in a romantic moment! Terrific 8!

  8. Oh-oh! Wow, talk about a mood breaker;). Well done.

  9. Oh no! What a way to ruin a moment!
