Saturday, July 12, 2014

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample snippets from a wide variety of wonderful authors. My excerpt comes from a yet unnamed manuscript. In the story, my hero had a one night stand with another woman who eventually died of cancer. Her parents couldn't keep the boy, so they contacted his father who had known nothing about him. In this snippet, Rhett brings the boy home for the first time. Introductions have gone well, and this is when he meets his stepmother for the first time.

Rhett and Eric had reached her now. “Eric, this is your stepmother, Alex.”
A flare of panic contorted the child’s face. Had Rhett said something bad about her to the boy? She cleared her throat. “Hello, Eric, welcome home. It’s so nice to meet you.”

Eric mumbled something, but she didn’t catch it. 

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  1. Oh man! What a cliffhanger!! Excellent, Elaine :-) !

  2. Awkward first meeting and sooo important. You're writing makes it very real.

  3. Oh, poor boy and poor step-mom. Hope things smooth out for these two.

  4. Oh, that poor boy.

    I hope she sees that this isn't about her...

  5. Your characters are all at that point of change, hanging right on the edge of a waterfall. It makes for one powerful moment.

  6. Aw, awkward moment! It's going to be great to read how this pans out.

  7. Definitely not the reaction she must have hoped for. Great snippet, Elaine.

  8. Either he's learned something frightening about her or he's heard too many fairytales where the wicked stepmother does something awful. Great snippet, Elaine.

  9. Could be from the mother or her family; cound be a reaction to the word "stepmother." "New mother" might have been a better way to introduce her.

  10. Interesting. I'm thoroughly intrigued as to why the boy reacted the way he did and what will happen next. Excellent excerpt!

  11. Oh, I sooo want to know what he said! Great snippet, and at least she's managing to be polite...

  12. Not the best beginning in an awful situation. You're doing a wonderful job bring this story to life, Elaine.

  13. Reminds me of meeting my youngest grandchild for the first time. It took her several days to warm up.
    Nice writing!

  14. Excellent... I can really feel the concern and uncertainty.

  15. Oh, my. Not the warmest meeting is it? I get a feeling of trepidation and reluctance.

  16. That's not going to be an easy relationship. What a mess has the father created!
