Saturday, August 30, 2014

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of some fabulous authors. My snippet today is from my upcoming, September 23 release Rest Thy Head. In this first excerpt from the book, my heroine Peyton pays a surprise visit to her fiance.

The living room was deserted, but she heard voices coming
from the kitchen. She tossed her purse onto the sofa and went in
search of her man. As she rounded the corner into the kitchen, she
froze. Megan Thomas, whom Drew used to date, was with him in
the kitchen, and the two of them were hugging each other so tightly
it was a wonder either of them could breathe.

Peyton gasped, and when Drew saw her he shoved Megan
away, causing her to fall against the stove. “Peyton, I can explain!”

Peyton could hardly speak around the rage that was almost choking her.
“What’s to explain, Drew?"

You can find more snippets at:


  1. Great set up for a pivotal moment. I could feel her rage. Very nice.

  2. Wonderful action writing, Elaine. I could visualize the scene! Whew! He's in trouble now. :-)

  3. OMG Is he cheating on her? I was there with her all along. Great snippet, Elaine.

  4. It could actually be something innocent, only time will tell. Nice way to get us all interested.

  5. Even if it's innocent, if she's so quick to mistrust him, this relationship is going to take some work . . . or not! :)

  6. I'm with Sarah W. Maybe it is innocent.
    Buy why put yourself in a situation that would need explaining if caught?

  7. Whoa, I'd be very cautious, too. And his line "I can explain" is the traditional defensive. Great snippet, Elaine, and congrats on the upcoming release. :)

  8. Great snippet. It's going to be interesting to see which way this goes from here.

  9. Wow! Trouble ahead! But I'm with Millie, Sarah, and Frank. There's several reasonable explanations and if she's that quick to assume the worst (and act accordingly) there's not much hope for the relationship.

  10. I guess I'd wait for the explanation but I surely would be upset! Excellent excerpt, wonder what will happen next...

  11. Maybe she's been congratulating him on his upcomeing marriage?

  12. Elaine, terrific opening. You set the scene so well you had all of us on edge. As far as I'm concerned, he's toast. Let's see what happens next.

  13. Great snippet. Ut oh, conflict, lol. Well done.
    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

  14. You hooked me! Wow. I felt the scene change. Really well done.

  15. Oh oh, look who's in trouble now!! He has a lot of explaining to do me thinks!! LOL!
    Great snippet Elaine!

  16. Great tension that leaves me wondering why she is so quick to distrust him. Great 8.

  17. You've really set the stage for some fireworks. Nicely done.

  18. "I can explain" is the last thing that should be said in that kind of situation. It makes him look totally guilty.
