Saturday, August 9, 2014

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday. Today's excerpt picks up where we left off last week. My hero is at a party, and across the room he saw a woman, a lobbyist whom he has heard of. She looks a lot like his wife. He goes to introduce himself. This is the woman that he will have a one night stand with, and also the woman he'll get pregnant. It's totally unedited, so if you see anything, give a yell.

She watched him as he crossed the room to the fireplace. “Hello, Senator Landers. I was hoping to have a chance to talk to you.”

“That sounds ominous if you mean it in a professional capacity.”

She laughed at him, a low, warm laugh that again reminded him of Alex. “At the moment, no, I don’t, but one never knows what will come up. I’d like to be on a first name basis with all of you congressmen.”

“You should be in politics yourself, Ms. Frost."

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picture: By myllissa from Seoul, S. Korea (Oscar Teasing Logan  Uploaded by Caspian blue) [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


  1. I've already taken a dislike to her. She seems like a manipulative power monger. I don't know if that's what you're trying for, Elaine. Just wanted to let you know that that's what the reader might be feeling right now. :-) Good 8!

  2. She reminds me of "Lisa" on "As the World Turns" circa 1965, a villain/antagonist we love to hate.

  3. Frank and Theresa, yes that's exactly what I was going for.

  4. She should be on birth control, too.

    Sorry, sorry.

    I don't like what these two are about to do, but I'm totally hooked on this story, Elaine. It's compulsively readable!

  5. A come-on if I've ever heard one. You've painted the perfect set-up for a one nighter or an affair. Trouble ahead.Terrific, Elaine.

  6. I think he's being lured in, but it's not the kid's fault.

  7. Well, she sounds like a piece of work...which means this was a really great, effective excerpt indeed! Can't wait to read more...

  8. I like that her name is Frost. Makes you expect that she'll brush him off so it comes as a neat twist when something else happens :)

  9. Nicely done. That last line is killer.

  10. I wonder how far she goes to reach the first name basis. And how the hell could he fall for it?

  11. Strong chemistry and I agree with her setting up the flirtation. Great 8.

  12. I love the juxtaposition between the formality of "Senator Landers" and "Ms. Frost" and the "low, warm laugh" and her flirting.
