Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hymns of the West Book #2


Welcome to Faith Blum's blog tour. Faith, thank you so much for visiting. Could you tell us who designed your cover?

Perry Elisabeth at She does an awesome job finding pictures that will work.

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

Don't rush the publishing. Connecting with other authors is also helpful.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Write, rewrite, edit, and rewrite again. Take breaks, but not for too long. Do NOT rush into the publishing process.


Anna Stuart is comfortable with her life. She may be a 30 year old spinster, but she has her routine and enjoys taking care of her father and older brother. One letter shatters all her routines, comfort, and enjoyment. After learning of her brother’s death, Anna feels like her life will never be the same again.
Then she meets two motherless boys. Did God place them in her life to lead her to a new vision of life? Can she trust God to give her the desires of her heart before she even knows what they are?


The church was empty when I dragged myself out of the pew and headed out the door. As I opened the door, the corner of my eye caught a flicker of movement which I chose to ignore. I walked down the steps and was nearly bowled over by two wild boys. With arms grown strong and quick from man-handling two brothers growing up, I grabbed the two boys before they had a chance to escape me.


An avid reader, Faith Blum started writing at an early age. Whether it was a story about the camping trip that summer or a more creative story about fictional characters, she has always enjoyed writing. When not writing, Miss Blum enjoys reading, crafting, playing piano, moderating on the Holy Worlds Historical Fiction Forum and playing games with her family (canasta, anyone?).
As a history enthusiast who has been fascinated for years with the Old West, Faith has endeavored to create a clean, fun, and challenging Western story. Faith lives with her family on a hobby farm in the Northern Midwest, where she enjoys the many cats they have.
You can find Faith on her Website, Blog, Facebook, and Twitter
Google: Be Thou My Vision (Hymns of the West Book 2)

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