Saturday, December 27, 2014

Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. After you finish here you can find more authors at:
In this excerpt, my heroine has found a bottle of pain killer stolen from her clinic in the bathroom of the man she's fallen in love with. He's an ex-convict who works for her. This is her answer to the problem. This isn't edited so if you see anything give a yell.

A single sob burst from her throat. “Why didn’t you tell me you needed money? I would gladly have helped you. Or did you want it for yourself?” She hugged her middle and rocked back and forth. “You’re fired.”
Springing from the toilet, she darted back into the bedroom where she dressed in record time. As she strode past him, Caleb grabbed her arm.


  1. Sounds like 'fired' is a great way to solve this, but I have a hunch it isn't going to be that easy. I definitely want to know what he has to say.

  2. I bet she's going to have a hard time firing him. ;-)

  3. He has to have a good reason...I hope! Great emotion in this snippet, Elaine. :-)

  4. Methinks she's seriously jumping the gun, here, though I certainly understand why!

    Still think he was framed, though. :)

  5. If he did do it, whatever the reason, I hope she stands by her decision. Good snippet, Elaine.

  6. Trouble now and ahead in this most interesting story. Good snippet.
    Happy New Year, my friend.

  7. You have just really hooked me into this story. I can't wait to see what happens next.

  8. Firing someone is easier said than done, though it's possible she's jumping to a conclusion and he didn't do it.

  9. So sad, though. There is no good way out of this. :( Great writing.
    Happy New Year!

  10. Oh, I hope there's a good explanation or redeeming circumstance here! Really a vivid scene, felt the emotions coming right off the page at me. Terrific snippet!

  11. Poor baby. Her feeling betrayed comes right off the page. Great snippet!

  12. This was really good.

    The only thing I would say is to leave off the "you're fired" part. It makes it seem like their relationship was more business and less personal. Maybe it can be brought up later in the conversation (I'm guessing he's going to try to defend himself and fight for her), but it seems a little jarring and out of place.

    Also, did he say he needed it for the money, or did she just assume that's what it was for? Forgive me if you mentioned that in the last posting, I haven't caught up on my back reading yet!

    Otherwise, this is a great 8 and a good start to what sounds like a tension driven story!

    happy New Year!

  13. Intense moment. The only thing I see is that you might want to streamline her dialogue a little-- a little terser might work in a very tense situation like this. It's a very effective scene, though.

  14. Hope he's got a good reason. Still have a feeling things are not what they seem.

  15. The pain of the alleged betrayal is very vivid. Sure hope he has a valid excuse. Well done snippet.
    Have a happy New Year.

  16. I don't think it will be that easy. Great snippet!

  17. Oops, that's a breach in her trust in him. I wonder if his explanation will suffice.
