Saturday, February 21, 2015

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. My excerpt today is from Return Engagement. In this excerpt, my hero questions my heroine about his competition, a lawyer by the name of Alex Crawford. If you've been her before, you know that Richard and Elizabeth met by accident on the beach ten years after his father broke them up.

Her voice trailed off, and she fell silent. Alex was a wonderful man so why had she let Richard upset her so much? She hadn’t seen him in ten years; they couldn’t just pick up where they left off. True, she had never been able to forget him, but she had moved on with her life because she had to. So apparently had he. 
“I know lots of lawyer jokes,” said Richard, his voice serious and earnest in spite of the gleam in his eyes. “Would you like to hear one?”


  1. Good snippet, Elaine. I think it might be some of your most fluid writing, yet.

    The premise is intriguing, and these two characters are very likeable right from the getgo.

    Nicely done!

  2. Alex may be a wonderful man, but somehow I don't think she's in love with him. Great snippet.

  3. Nice snippet. I get a kind of sad feeling from it though. Like she was hoping for something more...

    Love the cover for the book, too!

  4. Great snippet, Elaine. I kind of wonder whether or not they're getting back together.

  5. Richard has chutzpah all right! :)

    Then again, as wonderful as Alex is, maybe somethings missing?

    Great eight, Elaine! :)

  6. Aww. Love his reaction. Like he's asking because he's thinking the same things she is. That would be a hard situation. Great excerpt.

  7. Who's more determined? Her to forget him or him to make her remember. Great stuff!

  8. Sounds like he's going to have to work a little bit to get to a new level of connection. Good snippet, Elaine. :)

  9. Great snippet. Could love be in the air again for these two?

  10. When in doubt, tell a joke and it better be a good one. Fascinating start, Elaine.

  11. Great snippet. Love the characters already.

  12. I get the distinct feeling that none of these characters are really completely happy with their relationships with one another. "Alex is a great man" does not equal "Alex is a great partner." And whether she still holds a real flame for Richard or not might be irrelevant. People change. I doubt either of them are the people they were when they were together.

    Very likable characters overall, but I am skeptical that any of these relationships would work out long term. Lucky for me, that's exactly the kind of book/relationship I like to read about. Those improbable ones, whether they do make it or not.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  13. Enjoyed the excerpt, this conversation seems so full of possibilities for them. Great 8!

  14. The conversation seemed to have a layer of sadness at the bottom... I'm curious to read more. Great snippet, Elaine!

  15. You've done a wonderful job of evoking confusion and of a character wrestling with a ghost from her past.
    Nice work!

  16. This is such a poignant, bittersweet scene.

  17. It seems that there's quite a bit of unresolved emotions floating through this snippet. Great 8, Elaine!

  18. Oh my, when she feels like "was a wonderful man", think can't be good for that wonderful man.
    And why do I think that layer joke on the other side is a bad idea?
