Saturday, April 11, 2015

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more excerpts at:

I've been sharing excerpts from Return Engagement. To recap, my hero and heroine have met on a beach ten years after his father broke them up. Both are greatly affected by the meeting, and in spite of the fact that she knows she shouldn't since she's engaged, my heroine agrees to go to dinner with him. In this excerpt they're walking down the beach looking for a place to eat.

Pull yourself together! Elizabeth mentally gave herself a shake. Right, easier said than done. Her fingers curled into fists as she and Richard walked down the beach. She had dated Alex for two years, but he had never made her feel Yes, that was it. She felt flustered. Spending time with Alex always gave her the warm fuzzies, but Richard’s blatant masculinity had thrown her into a tailspin. 

Return Engagement is available at Amazon or at


  1. Oh, I'm thinking she needs to make a decision, and it won't be easy. Great snippet, Elaine. :)

  2. There's a world of difference between the warm fuzzies and the hot spinnies. Or something. :)

    I'm loving this scene, Elaine!

  3. Things were never over between them. I think she needs to find out what could have been if they weren't forced to break up.

    Can't help but feel a little sorry for the fiance though.

    Enjoying the snippets from this story.

  4. Nice job of showing her frustration, Elaine. Good developing tension, too :-)

  5. Nice snippet Elaine, well done on conveying her emotions.

  6. Masculinity just draws you in doesn't it? Lovely snippet :)

  7. Oh dear, what's a girl to do! Loving the increasing dilemma!

  8. Epic proportions of a dilemma for her, for all of them. Futures depend upon decisions so find out what's what. Love, love this story.

  9. I love how flustered she is getting. Great snippet.

  10. Now I wonder which is better. Because if she keeps comparing them I would say find a third one. ;)

  11. So far I'm really feeling sorry for her fiance. (And hoping he joins them for lunch...)

  12. I'd go with the hot tailspin guy. She does have a dilemma though, given her engagement to the other person. I'm enjoying the story - great snippet!

  13. Love this snippet and love the insight into the character's state of mind :-) Awesome writing!!

  14. Flustered is the right word for it. We've all been there...

  15. Great job of showing her mixed feelings. This won't be an easy choice for her.
