Saturday, April 4, 2015

Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday: Return Engagement

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. After you finish here, go to the sites below for more authors.

I've been sharing excerpts from Return Engagement. To recap, my hero and heroine have met accidentally on a beach ten years after his father broke them up. In today's excerpt, my hero displays great self-confidence.

“Have dinner with me tonight,” he urged. “We have ten years of catching up to do.”

Elizabeth felt a flicker of unease; she shouldn’t accept his invitation. Her heart belonged to a wonderful man, a man she didn’t want to hurt by going out with Richard. Richard belonged to her past, and that’s where he needed to stay; in the past. No good could come of a dinner date now. For a split second she  hesitated. “I’d love to have dinner with you."  


  1. Oh, I don't things are quite over between them. :)

  2. To use your words...

    She shouldn't, but she did. No good is going to come of this!

  3. Oh dear, no willpower where he's concerned? I sense trouble!

  4. I love her inner struggle and then she doesn't listen to herself ... well done.

  5. So there is still some emotions going on there for sure.

  6. I don't think he's staying in the past now. Great snippet, Elaine. :)

  7. Interesting internal conflict she's having. Enjoyed the excerpt!

  8. Hmm. Trouble's afoot. She's not going for dinner because she's hungry for food. Really. Now I'm worried. Good eight.

  9. That one dinner seems like it'll become a lot more complicated than expected!

  10. Oh that moment when the head gives you all the reason to not do something and you go and do it anyway. Nice!
