Saturday, May 16, 2015

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the writing of a talented group of authors. Links to the entire lists can be found below the excerpt. For the past few weeks I've been sharing excerpts from Return Engagement. To recap, my hero and heroine meet on a beach ten years after his father broke them up. She agreed to have a hot dog with him even though she's engaged to another man. They've just finished eating and are walking down the beach. I've skipped a few paragraphs so you missed him talking her into it. In that part we learned that she was breaking a date with her fiancé to go to the amusement park with Richard.

“No roller coasters. I’m scared to death of them.”

Richard snickered at her. “Yes, ma’am, no roller coaster rides. Merry-go-round okay?”

“Yes, and so is the Ferris wheel.” She chunked a small piece of ice at him to pay him back for mocking her fears.

They picked up their trash, threw it in the garbage can, and continued their walk down the beach. They hadn’t gone ten steps before Richard took her hand. Elizabeth tried to breathe normally.

So what do you think? Will she let him hold her hand or not?


  1. I feel bad for her fiancé, but I still hope she him hold her hand. :)

  2. I love the playfulness in this snippet, but I agree with Jennifer -- I feel bad for her fiance.

  3. There's something not right about her fiancé--and her mom. I think her mom might have pushed her into this engagement...

    I think she's going to pull her hand away. It's early in the story.

    Good 8, Elaine.

    I spent what free time I had today reading Rest Thy Head. :-) I'm at a point that I really don't want to put the book down! That Drew...what a psycho!

  4. I feel bad for the fiancé, but somethings obviously not quite right in her life. Maybe this little bit of emotional chaos (it sounds like that's what the evening will spark) will do her some good.

  5. She will hold his hand ... but I agree with the others, I feel bad for the fiancé as well.

  6. I'm with her. Hate roller coasters. Yes! Hold his hand :) Love second chance romances.

  7. I think he's pushing a little, but she does need to make a decision.

    (Okay, yes, I want her to hold his hand. :) )

  8. I think she is going to let him all her hand and that the wedding is going to be cancelled in a few days. But hum... poor Alex really, he deserves better.

  9. I think she's made her decision about him already, but hadn't acknowledged it. Good snippet, Elaine.

  10. Romance on the pier :-) Good eight <3

  11. Holding hands-absolutely. The dialogue is sweet foreplay. Good writing, Elaine.

  12. People with a history together almost always have trouble when they reconnect, even if it's only for a moment.

    I personally hope she grabs at his hand with a big playful grin on her face and starts giggling, pulling him toward the ride. Not because she's in love with him, but because she's in love with life.

  13. Obviously, she's enjoying his attention. Maybe she'll squeeze his hand and then drop it.

  14. Oh the poor fiance. Great snippet.

  15. Well, he's moving in just a little bit, but I like it. I hope she lets him hold her hand. Interesting she's afraid of roller coasters because her life seems to be imitating one. Great snippet.

  16. Oh course I want her to let him hold her hand, but I also want her to be fair to the fiance. :)

  17. I have no idea about the handholding, but I'm sure you'll make the decision meaningful to readers!

  18. I think she'll quickly warm to him. Hand-holding is so underrated nowadays.

  19. Fun snippet. The carnival ride imagery is very effective-- mirrors what's going on well.

  20. She is obviously not sure about her engagement - what gal who is truly smitten would give up time to be with the man she loves? Hope she makes up her mind sooner rather than later, I'd hate to see the fiance strung along.
